Author Topic: rlcbm - A thread dedicated to his likeness. (not a negative thread)  (Read 9119 times)

The reason why he's so loving awesome but stupid at the same time is that unlike the other morons who have come here, he ignores the hate and is sort of a mentally impaired happy go lucky guy.

Lol wonderfully stated

It's like he has an outer shell that is completely impervious to any negative emotions whatsoever.

Someone could hold him at gunpoint and he'd probably just blank.

blockland now works :) but no shadows :(

Am i one of the only ones that doesnt find it funny at all?
You're not alone.

I actually pmed him a while ago he won the "I want v21 most" award lol

rlcbm is master race
seriously though i like him more than reaper because hes actually nice

[JOKE]People, you know how v21 is sucky?
think about it, he brain washed you guys to support him, and then, he brain washed BADSPOT with his "OMGAWD EM WNT C21!!!11"
posts, and made him release v21 without completing it, WANT TO KNOW WHY? so badspot would be to busy. and soon, He'll make a server called "rlcbm CHAT ROOM" where he'll complete the brain washing you guys had fell for, and then, He'll guide his new army to elphilates, and then, he'll use you guys to throw insults, as he begins Brainwashing Elphilates, and once he's done, He'll do what he wanted a long, long, long, long time ago...

He'll command elphilates to rename himself elipates 

^ not funny, hard to read :(

rlcbm is reel live jesues christ form bible hei s our lord adn svarior pls bless this fod we r abort 2 eat and we hope u bless our evening and makei t as gloriosu as u............................ ................ amen......................... .

rlcbm is reel live jesues christ form bible hei s our lord adn svarior pls bless this fod we r abort 2 eat and we hope u bless our evening and makei t as gloriosu as u............................ ................ amen......................... .

blockland now works :) but no shadows :(
you gatta enable them in options, buddy.

I really don't like how some people use rlcbm as a tool.