Author Topic: The City³ Project  (Read 8378 times)

City³, the replacement for RPGX
Its about to get better.

Earliest Information:
I have been in discussion with Brian Smith for sometime and I have decided in the next major revision of "RPGX", the name will be dropped. Instead, we are going to dub the next gen mod City³.

Thats right, we are abandoning RPGX. Not before a final v1.31 hotfix update though.

Its slow, unworkable, and buggy. And its rumored to have a polymorphic virus embedded in it somewhere. So yeah, we're dropping it.

What do we want to accomplish in this mod? Here's some of the pointers.

  • Emmersive city experience without sacrificing gameplay
  • Choices will decide consequence, this is determined by the groups, not built in "crimes"
    -Groups "keep" records on you
  • Organized groups which can jail/hostage you! (Police is by default a group)
    -Seperates companies and organizations
  • Professions and not multiple jobs (akin to Sims 3 or Iban's v3 mod)
  • Resources harvested for city production
    -Food: Crops, Fish
    ==feeds City's food supply, able to hold food in your hand and eat it or give it
    -Ores: Standard Ores & Rare Earth Minerals
    ==Used for commercial shops for manufactured goods (guns)
    ==Price and ore cost production determined by damage or handled by special profiles if detected
    -Trees: Standard Trees & Endangered Trees
    ==Processed into bricks where you can either use it or sell them to a commercial lot
  • And finally, a GUI which helps facilitates all of the above
    -Lists things normally shown in /stats


The Envisioned Future of City RPGs

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A lot of time in RPGX has went to the separation of the lots into three categories, Residential, Commercial, and Industrial. Sounds a lot like SimCity, right? Well, in the future, this is supposed to give the city builds organization instead of a messy blend of houses, factories, and shops all in the same area. This change was made so the add-on could enforce this itself. How?

Residential lots have low taxes, they are for homes.

Commercial lots have higher taxes and will allow facilitation of shopping inside, whether for food, guns, or clothes. How the mod will accomplish this is yet to be decided.

Industrial lots will have similar taxes and will process resources for you; this includes food resources (crops and fish), lumber into usable/plantable bricks, and ores into materials used for clothes and guns/ammo.

Crime and the Law
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Right so beforehand, City RPGs have been hooked around the law being the dominant party and always having the advantage over crimes. Being able to see who kills who, being unpunished by the mod, etc etc.

In the future, people can be jailed -or- taken hostage by affiliated criminals and mafia. Police have handcuffs, they have duct tape.

Want to get away with a crime? Sure, why not. Go for it. If someone sees you do it, you're in trouble.

Resources, Hunger, and You
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Many City mods have had to deal with unlimited resources. This contributes to the problem of too many weapons being available to the richest people and only helping to ignite DMs within the city when deaths are unpunished.

In the future, much labor should start with cheap resource gathering, as with newcomers. Newcomers are the most often people that join City RPGs so they should be the laborers: but lets leave Jobs for the next section and talk about Resources.

Fish, crops, and other food resources contribute to the city's food supply when processed in the Industrial Lots talked about earlier.

Trees, when cut down, are processed into bricks that the individual can buy in 500, 1000, or 2000 packs on Commercial Lots. They are very cheap. Probably $1 for 10 bricks.

Ores, when mined, contribute to metals and ores used for the manufacturing of goods like guns and ammo. In fact, ammo in the long run may take more to manufacture than just a single gun.

On the other hand, there is always illegal processing or rare earth minerals used for special items.

Endangered fish, endangered trees, or rare earth minerals. They all contribute in some way.

_____________________________ __________________________
Jobs, jobs jobs jobs... the core and heart of all City RPGs. In an age where people want to be different than others, theres always a demand for unique jobs... however there is a problem in modern City RPGs where there are jobs that do nothing but are useless and take up space on the mod just so someone can say they're X (job name).

In Iban's recent City RP mod, he has it right. There are only so many profession types, there's just ones with different levels of accomplishments - tiers if you will.

President and Council Member? Aren't those in the same profession: Administration?

Hacker and Codemaster? Same profession again: Programming.

All of these can be classified under one job, just with different levels.

Simplicity is better than complication, you know.

I hope this helps up clearing some of the ideas I had for RPGX's future.

PS: The GUI mockup is missing a New Group button on the third tab.

I talked about this a lot, but most of these ideas will be incorporated into the City³ project. I will elaborate on this further.

In the concept, one starts a server with the City³ addon. They are greeted with a Host GUI dissimilar to the standard GUI where they must name their city and decide their government type.

The host is always considered by the addon's system to be the "founder" and not its head of administration. One can decide a totalitarian system, a democratic system, or such to be the system for the administration. The only difference is who has the rights to City Controls and Police Management, of which the Police is a default group that sees to it that the city is at peace. This is the first time where a host may not have powers that the City's Administration has, but they can always demolish and rebuild the city with a different Government. In fact it may be possible to overthrow a government.

Thats right, a group can assume control of the city under certain conditions.

Revolutions are always fun.

How do we avoid abuse though? Do we tighten the restrictions needed for a new administration, or rather, group to take over?

Its simple: The administration (dissimilar with host/admins) doesn't have the power to destroy core infrastructure, or anything on a Road Lot which supports the roads and sidewalks, and it costs administration whatever the building cost to build (in terms of brick count) to demolish it.

The Host/City Founder has whats called Executive Orders, which is a nice way of still having power over the city even when someone else is in charge.

Executive Order 1: Rename the city.
Executive Order 2: Forced change of government.
Executive Order 3: Forced change of group in charge (Only non democratic cities).
Executive Order 4: Disband a group. (WARNING: Deleting the Police is not a good idea.)

For a long time, City RPGs have suffered from problems that plague the gamemode itself. The aspect of building, crime, being killed and losing money, all of them.

It ends now.

We are looking for possible coders and modelers to assist in this project. You want to help? PM me.

Project Management - Randomness
Lead Programmer -
Assistant Programmer -
Modeler - Eepos (strictly the models)
Artwork (Brick Icons and the like) -
Testers -

This project is on hiatus as of now due to the Next Gen MERP Project.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2013, 05:59:04 PM by Randomness »

Its not just any edit.

Current Version: v1.3

10/13/2012 - Farming will not make an appearance in v1.3. Instead, it will be pushed to 1.4 to prepare for the resource system overhaul.
10/18/2012 - 1.3 RELEASED.
10/21/2012 - RPGX due to be abandoned. City³ confirmed to be the successor project. RPGX will receive one final update for various fixes, but no 1.4.

What is CityRPGX?

CityRPGX is a brand new derivative of Cromedome and Moppy's CityRPG (I have gotten permission to continue work on his source, and Iban's disclaimer states that I could already continue the poorly coded original (because im an idiot) v2 CityRP) which features changes to the gameplay not to make it more realistic but to provide a new experience and make it more fair to Blockland's environment. Not changes like a complicated demerits system or changes like more drugs.. because that would fall under the conundrums of your philosophy of real life. (Yes I am totally going there.)

What I want to accomplish with CityRPGX is a system that is "simplistic" for each function it has. In which case, has unique jobs and how they impact the city and not just new jobs with the only difference being slightly different pay and a brand new description. And adding pointless new things when all it is is personal flavor, such as pointless new drugs or resources.

This is a private mod being developed for Snk12's Metropolis server and any listed server (under a non distribution agreement), and unless you are closely affiliated with myself, Cromedome or Iban, please do not ask for the source.

Official RPGX Servers:
-Snk12's Metropolis Server (

In short, here's a change log of what's so far been changed or added:

-Adminspree, togadmin, and other similar exploits removed
+Name changed to avoid confusion
+Dormant ATM script is active

-Exploit related to crimeproof players by ID removed
+Knife handle changed to black
+Drug Dealer and Drug Lord jobs added
+sellDrugs variable added
+Drug selling specific to drug related jobs by sellDrugs variable
-Drug Duplication "fixed" by disallowing harvesting of other drugs, proper fix will be later
+Changelog created (lol paradox.)
+Dormant Weather script is active
-Godfather/President/Mayor do not have Fuel Jet datablock now
+Drug Knife now has different sound effect for hitting
+/RPGXinfo introduced which displays current version of RPGX
+Tick is slightly longer (5 min instead of 3)
+forcetick command added (host only)

+Enforcer job added
+SWAT job added
+SWAT Leader job added (why did I add this?)
+SWAT Baton added
+Baton and SWAT Baton open JVS doors depending on warrant status
+SWAT Baton opens any door
-Police terminal rewritten for easy expansion
-Arrestability is now dependent on "warrant" status rather than demerits
+/issuewarrant command added to issue a warrant
-Jetting is now Administrator only
-jobloader.cs and rules.cs seperated from core files for potential DSO encryption (Dear god, no. Im not going to encrypt this no matter what I do.)
+ATM Brick and Personal Spawn moved to seperate category
+ATM Brick is now non-admin plantable
-/forcetick removed (ptick does the job already, adding forcetick was one of the stupidest things I've ever done)
+Security blacklist idiot-proofs others from booting RPGX
+Warrant is automatically placed depending on invisible wanted status (such as a single murder triggering an autowarrant)

+Auto warrant removed
+Systems leading up to Farming implemented (check brick)
+No dems requirement for warrant
+Warrant command moved back to Police Terminal
+Lot bricks reorganized into Commercial, Residential, Industrial
+Fixed loading bug
+Adaptation into GameMode system of r1682+
+Weather system adapted for r1682+
+Addressing abusive commands by restricting the abusive commands to super admins and host, hopefully will minimize the problems
+Reimplemented togadmin command and restricted to host ID to patch previous exploit issue
+ATM Hacking actually will work
+ATM Hacking specific to Hacker/Codemaster jobs
+Check brick and similar systems intended for 1.4's farming system
+Did something about SWAT Leader and all of the various "clone jobs"
+Fixed Batons giving people dems
+Moving Drug Lord and Codemaster jobs to Reincarnation only (in other words, education 8)
+Badspot job implemented and assigned to BL_ID 0 when he joins (if he joins)

GREEN = Complete
RED = Have not started

v1.31 To-Do List:
+Actually fix the drug duplication by handling duplicated bricks
+Fix Cocaine and drugs not being harvestable
+DO something about the police system


Q1: Random, random.. this mod isn't new at all! Its based off of something. How is it bringing anything new to the table?
A: You're right, it isn't. I had gotten permission to start from his source, and I hope by the end of this mod's lifetime not only will it be completely different from the original source but I will have learned and studied enough torque to make my own from scratch. This is how I learn things. Suck it.

Q2: Will it ever be publicly released-
A: No. Most likely not. I've already stretched it too far by allowing snk12 to use this mod, but I did need somewhere to test it, so... Actually, maybe. But only when its completely rewritten from the ground up in future 2.0.

Q3: What do you have in mind for the future of CityRPGX?
A: Well, to put it simply, plenty of things. Right now Im focused on changing the way resources are important to the city, which will involve Industrial Lots. I'll explain more about this as time passes.

RPGX will be abandoned in favor of a much greater project, City³. Sorry, RPGX is just very unworkable.

Q4: What does the X stand for?
A: Xtreeeeemmmmeeee!!!!!! Well, no. Technically it's Xtended, but I really put that X there to differentiate it from CityRPG. It may be stupid, but suck it.

Please feel free to ask constructive questions or any concerns you have.. and please don't be an idiot. Thank you.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2012, 03:51:00 PM by Randomness »

"The brand new CityRP/CityRPG mod" isn't really right if it's a derivative

so what are you adding that everyone else doesnt already have

Wtf is with the boom of city rpgs lately?

CityRPGX is a brand new derivative of Cromedome's CityRPG (I have gotten permission to continue work on his source, and Iban's disclaimer states that I could already continue the poorly coded original CityRP)

You new at CityRPGs?

I overemphasized the new part too much. I apologize about that so I changed the words a little bit.

Wtf is with the boom of city rpgs lately?

Part of the reason I am keeping this "new" mod private. The last thing I want is every noob using this mod.

It isnt necessarily a "new" mod, more like an extension of Cromedome's mod, which was an extension of Iban's original (because im an idiot apparently) v2 CityRP.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2012, 02:18:34 PM by Randomness »

so what are you adding that everyone else doesnt already have

so what are you adding that everyone else doesnt already have

Did you even read the changelog?

-jobloader.cs and rules.cs seperated from core files for potential DSO encryption (Dear god, no. Im not going to encrypt this no matter what I do.)

you couldn't even if you wanted too. compile() is locked down for non-dev builds of blockland.

-jobloader.cs and rules.cs seperated from core files for potential DSO encryption (Dear god, no. Im not going to encrypt this no matter what I do.)

you couldn't even if you wanted too. compile() is locked down for non-dev builds of blockland.

It was a terrible, terrible idea. I almost thought about deleting that from the changelog, but the fact is, I still seperated the files to make it edit friendly or accessible to myself.

The original idea wasn't to encrypt the entire mod, because that would be stupid. It was to encrypt the security list (serverboot.cs) so authorized hosts could still add things to their mod.

The fact is.. after the stunt TBM pulled years ago where they did crazy stuff just to 'protect their code', no-one's gonna think about doing anything like that again.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2012, 07:30:01 PM by Randomness »

I was thinking this would be cool, until I saw that it would be hosted on snk12's.

I was thinking this would be cool, until I saw that it would be hosted on snk12's.

Can somebody who's more in-the-know explain to me why snk12 isn't necessarily a good admin then? The city he hosted didnt look bad and I did need someone else to use RPGX so it could be tested by the masses.

Because of the admin abuse on snk's server it doesn't usually get more than 10 people at a time.

Because of the admin abuse on snk's server it doesn't usually get more than 10 people at a time.

I'll do something about restricting obviously abusive commands to the host and then attempt to confront snk12 about this.

Thank you for your information.