Author Topic: What show I grow next spring?  (Read 732 times)

The frost is coming in two months, so I cannot really grow anything unless I did it in a greenhouse or did it inside. I'd rather wait until spring though for the best results. Right now I have a lot planned to grow, in fact already had some grown this year. I'm looking to grow new stuff though.  So feel free to add to this list.  Keep in mind I'm in zone 7 (New Jersey) so it has to be able to grow here.

What I already grow:
- Zucchini
- Corn
- Cantaloupe
- Green beans
- Asparagus
- Tomatoes
- Bell Peppers
- Strawberries
- Blueberries
- Grapes
- Apples
- Pears
- Cucumbers

New Plants Planned For Spring:
- Italian Parsley
- Thyme
- Cilantro
- Sweet Basil
- Dill Bouquet
- Oregano
- Sweet Marjoram
- Chives
- Summer Savory
- Garlic Chives
- Mustard
- Culinary Sage

Thinking About Growing:
- Eucalyptus Tree
- Cavendish Banana
- Peaches
- Artichoke
« Last Edit: August 11, 2012, 07:55:23 PM by YayFun »

Zucchini grows pretty nicely I dont know about New Jersey though, I suppose almost everything grows here in California. All beans are fun to grow. You could try planting some pretty flowers too ^.^

Zucchini grows pretty nicely I dont know about New Jersey though, I suppose almost everything grows here in California. All beans are fun to grow. You could try planting some pretty flowers too ^.^

Forgot to add that to the list of what I already grow.

do it
But in his ass. Shove dirt in there, plant the seeds, water daily, expose to sun.

do it

Tried that, the government took it all for themselves. Greedy bastards.

But in his ass. Shove dirt in there, plant the seeds, water daily, expose to sun.


Zucchini grows pretty nicely I dont know about New Jersey though, I suppose almost everything grows here in California. All beans are fun to grow. You could try planting some pretty flowers too ^.^
Zucchini grows really well here in NJ. So do tomatoes, cucumbers, and bell peppers.


loving do it

Never had that before, I'll look into it. Appears to be $5 for 25 seeds.

you'll have to put some kind of pest repellent on the peaches, my suggestion is soap and water every three or four days. the ants love it and so do raccoons and other vermin, so beware. they taste great in late july and august, plus you can make pies, pastries and other things with it. they can really well and they'd taste the same 6 months later in a mason jar in the freezer. taste better than canned or fresh you buy at the store.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2012, 08:06:05 PM by Darkness ZXW »

Never had that before, I'll look into it. Appears to be $5 for 25 seeds.
Oh yea, You should definitely grow artichokes. Thats one of my favorite vegetables x.x

Basil. It's really easy to grow and you can use it in a load of dishes.