Author Topic: Anime Watchers - What was your first anime? And your Fav?  (Read 1130 times)

As op said, what was the first anime you watched, if applicable?
Also, what is your favorite anime?

The first answer would be Code Lyoko. God I love that show, even now.
Second would either be Code Lyoko or Full Metal Alchemist. Couldn't choose just one! :P

Dbz is the first Anime I could remember watching religiously.

My favorite would be either Gurren Lagann or Fullmetal Alchemist.

the only one i watched and the only one i like so far
woops pokemon was good too

I've watched way too many animes to remember which one was first.
My favourite would probably be Gundam Wing or Shakugan no Shana, though, with Clannad in a close second

first was haruhi suzumiya, favorites were gurren lagann and code geass.

DBZ was my first, but Cowboy Bebop is currently my favorite.

I believe DBZ is my first I've seen.
Favorite is pokemon though.

First was FMA in 2003, but what really made me start watching others were Gungrave, Cowboy Bebop, and Puella Magi Madoka Magica.

Those are my favorites along with Zeta Gundam and a bunch of others.

Either DBZ or Pokemon.

Currently, Evangelion (even though I haven't finished the series, nor am I much of a fan of anime in general).

pretty sure Lum and/or Sailor Moon were my firsts
the Nichijous (that's right, both of them) remain the undisputed king and queen of my heart

First Anime:
Pokemon when I was a kid.

Favorite Anime:
I only watched two others(DBZ[which wasn't that good] and Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai[I watched all 12 episodes]) and I can't decide between Boku wa Tomodachi and Pokemon.

dbz was great and you don't have a snake

i still enjoy watching season 1-4 of this show, it kinda went downhill after those seasons.

if we were talking about international anime i would say code lyoko (its a french anime)

if we're talking about japanese anime, im pretty sure the first anime i watched was FMA and the first anime i ever completely watched was toradora