Author Topic: Earth 6.5- The Official "No nukes" version  (Read 147207 times)

Teleri generals have determined that in the event of a full scale alien invasion with technology comparable to Hera's, Hera would likely lose. Thus, Telar is putting a superteleporter as far into Hera's crust as it can with a one use battery with enough energy to teleport the entire crust to a planet as much as 10,000 light-years away.

Construction on the flagship continues. Telar will be using the Omni-Gen, a power device that until recently was just theory. The Omni-Gen uses the fifth force (named Telur by the scientist who discovered it), which is like the strong nuclear force only a lot stronger. With a new form of nuclear generator, Gravitanium becomes 500 times more efficient, and when this is combined with the use of anti-Gravitanium, the flagship will have enough power to maintain shielding that blocks out electromagnetism, radiation, light, and just about every form of energy thrown at it. The generator will also power a cloaking generator that can completely cloak the flagship.

Telar uses the super teleporter to teleport the entirety of Telar over to the teraformed planet for 5 minutes before bringing it back. Just because we can and as a test of the emergency escape in the first paragraph. The planet has been developing quite nicely and jellyfish have become a dominant species.

I can has Telur
Let's So wait, is Telur energy, or can it be formed into a matter-like substance.  If it can, we can harvest nuclear energy from stars.

I am the Rape Train
The brakes fell off.

Hey can New Manhattan have some soldiers stationed on the rape moon?

Super loving rape War Sattelites are positioned on thousands of large astoriods that orbit the sun.

Take that aliens.

Erinamese harvest of metals is going smoothly. We require more mineralssss...

Kintharia begins a network of massive super colonies on worlds that are not inhabited, yet are in the Goldilocks zone. Due to the fact that these tend to require stuffloads of electricity, powerplants are built. Like lots of them. You must construct additional pylons.

Have you checked my colonies list?  I already established colonies on 3 planets that satisfy the Goldilocks zone.  The colonies in place are at least the size of quarter of Long Island.  UHC owns Saardunis-3.

Probes prove that Earth is now habitable again.


Erinaum teleports a colony pack to Earth.  Colony established.  Gravitanium and other radioactive materials will arrive in a day by GnFTL transports.

Actually, USC owns it.

Actually, USC owns it.
Kidding about the size. Anyways, a space telescope is sent to the outer reaches of the solar system.

A bot is sent to the Solar System that once held Earth. Multiple projects including a huge mothership other than the hugemotherlovingsapcerapeship is being built.

Expected time to be created: 12 years, because we have the manufacturing abilities 1000*China.
No you don't.

UHC does.  Since you found that it is habitable, you may found any number of colonies on it naturally with the condition that you do not infringe upon foreign territory established on the surface.


USC goes ahead and colonieses the area known as the USA.


What happened to the astronomical rule where you cannot claim any stellar body as your own? (As a country)