Author Topic: Video Cards That Work...  (Read 4391 times)

Post what video card you have and if it works or not... This will make a great Help to those(like me) who plan on getting a new Video Card.


Also post the specs of your computer. We dont want to spend about 300 bucks and relize it dosnt work:/


Put in op

How to find your comp specs
1. Click Start
2. Go to search bar (Windows XP, click Run)
3. Type in "dxdiag" (No quotes)
4. Look at your specs

« Last Edit: August 13, 2012, 04:17:56 PM by natergator789 »

Same as me, I'm planning on getting a new one

NVidia GeForce 7300 LE
Status:Not Working...

It depends on what motherboard/PCI slots you have, not what works for random people.

That's a fine video card but it's not compatable with your PCI slots

this i might get it someone told me on rtb link me want does this work on hp pavilon with xp media center edishin 2005
« Last Edit: August 13, 2012, 04:07:31 PM by rlcbm »

I wanna cheap one that doesn't suck either.

Video cards don't work on every computer. It has to be compatable.

I can't help you unless you post specs.

this i might get it someone told me on rtb link me want
I have heard this one is great for Shader and Shadows...

does this work on hp pavilon with xp media center edishin 2005
Sorry, no :(

I have heard this one is great for Shader and Shadows...

Are you even listening to me? Either waste $300 on a video card that's incompatable or post your specs.

AMD Radeon 6630M

The little card on my Mac Mini that packs a punch.

I also have a NVidia 9800GT in a spare parts box (parts scrapped from my old computer)

this i might get it someone told me on rtb link me want does this work on hp pavilon with xp media center edishin 2005
That's like putting a turbo on a smartcar
« Last Edit: August 13, 2012, 04:11:16 PM by Axolotl »

Put in op

How to find your comp specs
1. Click Start
2. Go to search bar (Windows XP, click Run)
3. Type in "dxdiag" (No quotes)
4. Look at your specs

Old computer: Dimension XPS Gen 3, stock except for the 4GB RAM and the NVidia 9800GT. Was a victim of the notorious jet-engine-fan-noise-and-won't-even-go-to-BIOS problem until Dell gave us a new PSU.

Don't buy the above because it WAS the best computer (in 2006) and it has a loud fan.

New computer: Current model Mac Mini with 2.5GHz i5
« Last Edit: August 13, 2012, 04:20:29 PM by Axolotl »