Author Topic: I thought of something kinda creepy and sad...  (Read 9474 times)

That's almost like the, 'What is life is just a dream of a little girl, and when she wakes up, it's all over." story.

The Matrix, or the Truman Show...

Good. I manly wanted you to think about how lucky you are and to touch you a little bit.
Somehow, I think you're a religious person, or brought up that way. Sure, I'm lucky to be here, but if I wasn't, some other starfish would be here, and feel the same way. Life isn't precious, you're born, you forget, you die. Just like ants, just like Sharks, just like bees, just like Monkeys. We're no different. Life is everywhere, we're not alone on this planet, nor is it a miracle that life is on this planet, just got God damn lucky to find a place we could live as single celled micro-organisms, and go from there. Nothing special about that.

Nothing special perhaps, but god damn lucky yes.

Life is a series of accidents, and if even one of these events hadn't happened we would not exist.

Accidents are good, usually.

ok no more matrix for you sir

You need to stop thinking so deeply and get on with your 7 things to do in life.
Movement, Respiration, See things, Growth, Respire again, Moar growth, etc.

I dont think this way becuase i have my Savior to guide me and i have faith in my beliefs.

Now. Sometimes i wonder if maybe were just pawns in say a Higher Governing bodys plans. All of our taxes. All of our work. Social Security. Whats it REALLY for. What Deep and dark secrets lie inside out Government that only A few dead men know. And if somebody revelaed these secrets. Would our country fall? The man woud be assasinated by the Gov. What if it was a President? Would our own Gov. Plot to kill him (yes)?

JFK all over again...[/off-topic]

on topic:  i'd stuff myself, say forget, get stufffaced, and kill my self

Your purpose in life, should you choose to accept it, is to find your purpose in life.


The Trueman Show is an awesome movie.

For about a month after watching this a kept looking for hidden cameras

Your purpose in life, should you choose to accept it, is to find your purpose in life.


I deny that purpose... Let someone else do it for me...

Your purpose in life, should you choose to accept it, is to find your purpose in life.


I deny that purpose... Let someone else do it for me...
I reject your reality and substitute my own!

Would you be prepared if gravity suddenly reversed itself?

Would you be prepared if gravity suddenly reversed itself?

Of coarse I would! I've got 50 oxygen tanks in my closet just waiting for that to happen!