

Flash Drive
10 (3.8%)
Don't need to.
19 (7.3%)
I don't look at research (aka unhuman!)
59 (22.7%)
Super hidden in files
59 (22.7%)
113 (43.5%)

Total Members Voted: 260

Author Topic: I think I hide my research very well. -Most off-topic off-topic topic in off topic  (Read 109741 times)

Op should change the topic title.

Can dragons have carrot-like structures on their head?

Just askin
No like a tentacle only floppy and has little to no real way to control, like an accessorie
So ears?
Please show me that you know how to program in TorqueScript.
Bah I'll learn eventually :C

No like a tentacle only floppy and has little to no real way to control, like an accessorie
why on earth are you asking that
It's the blatant disregard for pronouns that boils my blood.
pronouns are obsolete

you do know where alyx vance lives right?

alyx lives about 120 miles south of me

?So ears?Bah I'll learn eventually :C
I thought you might know alot of dragons, so I presumed you seen one with a forehead carrot

Aren't those supposed to be rigid?

I thought you might know alot of dragons, so I presumed you seen one with a forehead carrot
Can't tell if serious or trolling.

alyx lives about 120 miles south of me
he is, at the least, 345 miles north of me

Can't tell if serious or trolling.

He's ABELBOTO's alt.

so he's just a huge dumbass.

Can't tell if serious or trolling.
hey I just asked you a question
If it make you feel better, I'll make you something in photshope

I feel like abel's trying to reference buu from that dragon balls show
because he has that floppy thing on his head
and his name's buu

hey I just asked you a question
It's a matter of genetics that determines the head features on a dragon, much like a human. One can have no horns and just frills, or perhaps a 'beard' or a horn on their snout.

I feel like abel's trying to reference buu from that dragon balls show
because he has that floppy thing on his head
and his name's buu
Holy stuff I combined cameras drogone and Buu, I might post it tomorrow though

Alright alright since people are having heart attacks over the topics name I'll change it.

Also, what is the topic about now?

Buu being special. I liked the AbelBOTO, but I don't like Buu. :(