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Author Topic: Glass' Trench Wars (Official Topic)  (Read 38035 times)

Hi guys, I'm back from camp.

Glass be mad because don't like competition :P

Glass be mad because don't like competition :P
Nah, I dont like cigarettegets like you that come to my server and talk how your going to make a GUI for your TTDM with Racer again and say how my servers going to be empty and stuff.

Seriously. Get a loving life. And leave me alone.

Nah, I dont like cigarettegets like you that come to my server and talk how your going to make a GUI for your TTDM with Racer again and say how my servers going to be empty and stuff.

Seriously. Get a loving life. And leave me alone.
Crown asked me arse wipe. I wasn't the one who said your server was going to be empty either. And if you want me to I can actually prove that we didn't steal your GUI idea.

Seriously. Get a loving life. And leave me alone.
First things first, you need to get a life dude. For one you're calling people friends from a computer screen through some wire to another dude even though he is right. You hate competition, you gave up your server when I opened my beta version of my TTDM. You really do hate competition because you know for a fact other people can do better than a half arsed server. Racerboy's server is top-notch and he has put some decent effort into his map.

Two, why are you calling people friends although you're the one who always insults people un-related to the topic?

Plus let's just put on your shoulders that you've had like 2nd most amount of Drama's along with Lord Tony.

Plus let's just put on your shoulders that you've had like 2nd most amount of Drama's along with Lord Tony.
My ban reason was "Drama this friend" :D

You should drama it then, :D.

You should drama it then, :D.
Nah, if I were to drama Glass everytime he told me to drama him I would have atleast 6 or 7 of them.

Nah, if I were to drama Glass everytime he told me to drama him I would have atleast 6 or 7 of them.

dannyboy are you handicapped. you come into the server and instantly start arguing with him.

dannyboy are you handicapped. you come into the server and instantly start arguing with him.
Incorrect, today was the first time myself and Glass actually spoke on his server and he also started it with cheap insults towards myself and my friends.

Incorrect, today was the first time myself and Glass actually spoke on his server and he also started it with cheap insults towards myself and my friends.

Judging by what I saw, you pretty much threatened him that you and racerboy were going to start his ttdm again. I've got no problem with you, racer, or crown, but seriously if you've got a problem with someone hosting, you probably shouldn't join their server.

Judging by what I saw, you pretty much threatened him that you and racerboy were going to start his ttdm again. I've got no problem with you, racer, or crown, but seriously if you've got a problem with someone hosting, you probably shouldn't join their server.
A threat? Really? I was playing on the server and crown asked me how the GUI for racerboy was coming along and asked me for a picture which I replied to by saying no but he could see the drawing of it Racerboy gave me. After that Glass said the words "Danny trying to reopen racers? Lol." which started the conversation about racerboy. Infact here is the entire conversation since racerboy was brought up on the server
[21:47:18][Crown]: hey danny are you working on that GUI for racerboy?
[21:47:22][Jonathant1]: GOD DANG HAWKEYE
[21:47:22][Crown]: have you made and progress?
[21:47:24][Crown]: just wondering
[21:47:26][Danny Boy]: aye
[21:47:27][Jonathant1]: WHY U BAD ACCURACY D;
[21:47:30][Crown]: could I have a picture/
[21:47:46][OrangeMan]: GL=Go lick dix
[21:47:51][Grimlock]: glass
[21:47:51][Dragonoid-X]: LOL
[21:47:53][Danny Boy]: Not yet, but you can have the stuffty version he drew :P
[21:47:54][Jonathant1]: Wow
[21:47:54][Joxus]: REDS
[21:47:57][Crown]: lol okay.
[21:47:58][Grimlock]: can i get the assault lmg
[21:47:58][OrangeMan]: usas-12=u suck animal stuff
[21:48:02][Glass]: Danny trying to reopen racers? Lol.
[21:48:03][Crown]: post the link
[21:48:06][Jonathant1]: How did you reds still get ur items back
[21:48:18][Crown]: Glass, racerboy's is going to open with a weapon shop GUI and it's going to go up your starfish.
[21:48:20][Danny Boy]: What? You think because you steal a map racer cant redo his?
[21:48:27][Glass]: Nah
[21:48:32][Commander Nick]: fa
[21:48:36][Joxus]: OH GOSH
[21:48:40][Grimlock]: Crown
[21:48:44][Grimlock]: What's your problem?
[21:48:48][Glass]: Just love how you and darren and tomtom buttbuddies follow me around and host whatever gamemode i do :P
[21:48:48][Crown]: no problem?
[21:48:57][Grimlock]: Crown
[21:48:58][Danny Boy]: You stole a map bro
[21:48:59][Crown]: Yes
[21:49:00][Grimlock]: I saw tomtom
[21:49:01][Danny Boy]: so umm
[21:49:03][Danny Boy]: forget off
[21:49:08][Grimlock]: he used eval to unban himselft
[21:49:13][Glass]: Aw danny, We all know you have your head up TomToms brown town passage
[21:49:16][GardenGnome]: Hai :3
[21:49:24][Grimlock]: dannyboy
[21:49:25][craftinator117]: :P
[21:49:28][Commander Nick]: fa
[21:49:31][Grimlock]: how is this a copy?
[21:49:32][Glass]: Give it up, I know you and tomtom suck each other as well
[21:49:34][Crown]: glass you'll be on your knees when racerboy opens his again. Remember when I hosted my TTDM and took all of your players
[21:49:34][Exrouse]: i think danny is more on his own then tomtom.
[21:49:38][Joxus]: wow
[21:49:40][Danny Boy]: We all know all your admins are your butt buddies because you cant do anything for youself
[21:49:40][Joxus]: bloody screen
[21:49:42][Joxus]: mayhem
[21:49:42][Crown]: you started acting all depressed to me on rtb
[21:49:43][Jonathant1]: im bored Again D;
[21:49:48][Danny Boy]: We all know you DDoS competition
After that I was banned with the reason "Drama this friend"

K so I read some of the pages and I noticed that your having problems with item/point saving? I got the solution with VCE If you need it glass.

scripts usually suck cause they reset all the time for no reason

just sayin  :cookieMonster:
« Last Edit: August 25, 2012, 07:18:02 PM by Mordius »

I'm in the log twice and I say "fa" both times lol

[Crown]: Glass, racerboy's is going to open with a weapon shop GUI and it's going to go up your starfish.