Author Topic: Ingame screen shot  (Read 866 times)

Ok so when i press control P
To take a screen
It goes into (Not Responding)
And I Check the consol thingy that runs behind blockland
and it says something along the lines of
Failed to open file' screenshots/blockland0001
Failed to open file' screenshots/blockland0002
Failed to open file' screenshots/blockland0003
Failed to open file' screenshots/blockland0004
Failed to open file' screenshots/blockland0005
Failed to open file' screenshots/blockland0006

And it keeps going

Are you running Blockland from a CD or something, or is the folder Read-Only?

CD? Why would he do that?

Oh lawd, why would I run Blockland from CD

I dunno lol, just check to make sure the folder and files aren't write protected.


I unchecked it and it still fails


  • Administrator
It can't write to the hard disk because either the folder is read only or there is some security setting that is stopping it. 

PS - Don't cross post or spam other threads for help or you will be banned.