Give the newbies a chance...

Author Topic: Give the newbies a chance...  (Read 4422 times)

Seriously...are we aiming for a halo2 community where everyone screams at their television if things don't go their way? Or a nicer community like facepunch without the national socialist filters?
The entire community is in fact, based off of these "n00bs," and without these "n00bs," blockland wouldn't be around for very long. So be a little bit more welcoming, instead of typing n00b, with a bruise-enducing impact on your fingertips. As far as how I treat them, I welcome them if they ask the simplest questions, but its when they act stupid to the point where it makes me feel dumber just for watching, they really don't belong.
        Even on the forums..back when I made the t21, the model was great for a first try IMO, but everyone was just, meh.. and maybe one or two people credited me..I mean, really, I made a new era of AddOn weapons that didn't shoot 100% accurate! and now several people are starting to make "spread weapons" and nobody even looks twice at it because Kaje or Ephilates didn't make it.. I mean, they deserve credit for what they do, I enjoy what they make, but I don't automatically like something just because they made it. I've seen some stuff better than what Kaje or others made, and they got barely any credit and their topic died almost instantly.

Just a rant, but you are free to give me your opinion.

I didn't read all of it, but Facepunch isn't exactly a  better community either.
You want a better community? go to Hello Kitty forums.
(I haven't actually been there, just guessing that a bunch of 5 year olds aren't going to scream at each other)

I just had a quick image of hello kitty forums with little children bypassing the curse filter like this little trick -> F.uck <-  :cookieMonster:

Lol, I have no idea why I said facepunch, but if you want a really good forum community, check out the Test Drive Unlimited forums under the xbox360

I made a new era of AddOn weapons that didn't shoot 100% accurate! and now several people are starting to make "spread weapons"
i made spread weapons back in vanilla
sorry to tell ya

i made spread weapons back in vanilla
sorry to tell ya

whats to say i couldnt do the same thing in retail?

I don't automatically like something just because they made it
Thats How Everyone Is Over Snot...
« Last Edit: August 15, 2007, 11:46:10 AM by Helena »

I don't automatically like something just because they made it
Thats How Everyone Is Over Snot...
im not that way...
i jsut like his jokes
personally i think his builds arnt that good most of the time
but he still is funny
And By The Way, It Is Very Annoying When You Talk Like This

whats to say i couldnt do the same thing in retail?

A bit late to do the same thing in retail and for it to be new =\

um...... ok then... yeah...
ephi already had the spread script in the shotgun...
it was already done....

I can agree with a lot of this, Blockland players can be a bit elitist at times.

This thread is ambiguous (To me) because... Newbie: Hey guys I just got this game and I'm not sure how to place a brick what do I press? n00b: how2build, AHHHHH TELLL ME HOW TO DO THAT... and other sorts of annoying pointless chat.

N00'bs on the forums aka little frickin kids and such who can't spell or never used a forum before need a good wake up call, newbie's use there brain and ask questions in a good matter.

Get your facts straight.