Author Topic: Comrades!  (Read 5096 times)

So I was in Sumz's server back a while ago, and he was making some sort of city, so I thought to myself say what city doesn't have a swanky unethical night club?"

So then construction began on creating COMRADES, the USSR only Night club (exclusive for only members and their bitc-er.. friends) Though I did end up hiring some workers for it, and a security guard :D

The only rule in COMRADES is, If it's legal somewhere, it's legal here!

Many pictures so I'm going to post the URL links:


[Private tables]


[CCCP table and Armory]

[Dancer's stage and poles]

[Drug induced partying, and the African Dictator Lounge]


>.< forget that last post, gotta love how badspot removes modifying from the facking gallery  :cookieMonster:

gallery is one of the only places i can still modify >.>
also these pics werent that good
the idea is good though

Yeah some of the pictures turned out awkward :p

The one of me staring at the camera with a gun, and Kinex as the Hulk was supposed to look like that haha

So this is what you where doing in the cubard, Very nice, reminds me of the night club i go to with me mates on a Saturday night.  :cookieMonster:

lol yeah, I hired Zor as my stripper.

I'll add some better pics of the entrance soon.

This pwns. The only problem is the ceiling is the perfect height, but the strippers cant jump :-). But who cares.

I remember sneaking outside and coming back into the cupboards, and trying to move my camera so i could see inside. I still want in D:

I still got some of your drugs.

lol its gay no offenze :cookieMonster:

This just goes to show you, every 'Sonic' in blockland is a noob.

You sir, are a friend.

Haha, sweet build, especially the lighting.
It looks like you got a dead stripper, and the last pic made me laugh.  :cookieMonster:

This just goes to show you, every 'Sonic' in blockland is a noob.

You sir, are a friend.

Cant brush off some n00b critique? Hmm.

Very nice... it almost reminds me... of that one time...... at band camp....

 WELL, let's not get into that.

Very nice build, though.