

79 (68.7%)
36 (31.3%)

Total Members Voted: 115

Author Topic: Team Fortress 2 Megatopic + Trade: SCREAM FORTRESS? MORE LIKE JUNGLE INFERNO!  (Read 2650238 times)

I never got around to posting this for some reason, but why hasn't Team Fortress 2 been playing music in the main menu?

Just finished selling my keys on the market, fully expecting a drop when the Robokeys come out.

Neat thing about the market place, the keys can't be over the price of the regular keys since they are the same price in the store, so the Robokeys SHOULD = regular keys in price of refined(or keys instead of 1.5 keys) as well.
They'll be higher than regular keys are because of high demand. If they're higher than 2.50 on the market anyone with a functioning brain will buy from the mann co store, though.

I never got around to posting this for some reason, but why hasn't Team Fortress 2 been playing music in the main menu?
How many times have you tried this to confirm it? Music works fine for some of us.

They'll be higher than regular keys are because of high demand. If they're higher than 2.50 on the market anyone with a functioning brain will buy from the mann co store, though.

If they're not, you can buy a robo key, trade for however many keys they're worth, sell keys on market, buy 2 robo keys (or close) and repeat.

How many times have you tried this to confirm it? Music works fine for some of us.
Any time i've started up the game, no music has played, the options for audio are on max, i've tried verifying, haven't quite tried reinstalling however

If they're not, you can buy a robo key, trade for however many keys they're worth, sell keys on market, buy 2 robo keys (or close) and repeat.
I guanentee they'll be like 2 regular keys when they come out, but with in a week they'll drop. Im thinking not many people would be willing to buy normal keys at the time so that plan might not work. We'll have to see.

Whoa, 25 yes and 25 no.

It's a close match, folks!

Any time i've started up the game, no music has played, the options for audio are on max, i've tried verifying, haven't quite tried reinstalling however
I've been having this problem for a while now, probably just a bug from an update or something.

For the Scrap.tf question thing, I hope they don't just pick the top ones. The people who are voting are absolutely stupid any only downvote to get theirs upvoted.

Tf2 litterly wanted me to cry today because my team sucked SO bad.
They kept letting the other team, which was litterly f2ps (Thanks to a server making f2p have [f2p] tags by their name.) dominate them.
I could feel tears after leaving the server.


sound it out
reminds me of definately and defiantly
you know
instead of definitely
which isn't that hard to spell at all

on another note:
keys have been rising in price since last month at a steady rate of 1.5 scrap per week
better stock up on keys and prepare for inflation

no content today other than steampipe confirmed :(

reminds me of definately and defiantly
you know
instead of definitely
which isn't that hard to spell at all

I used to always stick an A in there somewhere. Now I just remember that it has "finite" in it, super-easy.

no content today other than steampipe confirmed :(

And the beta update that just went out fixes Name/Description Tags not showing up. The full update will be going out "in a few hours", around 2:00pm Seattle time.