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Author Topic: Team Fortress 2 Megatopic + Trade: SCREAM FORTRESS? MORE LIKE JUNGLE INFERNO!  (Read 2473341 times)

So, I'm having a check between my old pcs graphics and my new one

Yeah, extreme differences.
(And yes, I have two steam accounts, don't ask why the other one is called FemDuffRain.)

They both look like stuff... One is just polished to be brighter

If you're doing a lighting comparison, why would you do it on a minecraft map...

holla holla at bob77

first craft #1 allclass lyfe


« Last Edit: August 10, 2013, 01:00:33 AM by BobSevenSevens »

They both look like stuff... One is just polished to be brighter

If you're doing a lighting comparison, why would you do it on a minecraft map...
I wasn't really planning on it to be done on a minecraft map, I was just looking for an empty server and I just selected that one.
And the one that is "polished to be brighter" just has a bloom option on it. (And a custom lightwarp to make it look more of a cartoon.)

If only someone could do some animations and the sounds from this part of fire field so the shred alert could be a lot more exciting to me.

Because one isn't enough

I was playing Medic on 2fort, in the enemy's sewers with a combat Engie and a Soldier, enemy pyro comes in. I have like 15 HP and burning. Soldier is dead, and the Engineer takes the loving health kit. RIP Me.

I was playing Medic on 2fort, in the enemy's sewers with a combat Engie and a Soldier, enemy pyro comes in. I have like 15 HP and burning. Soldier is dead, and the Engineer takes the loving health kit. RIP Me.

There is a TSA on that. Jesus I hate when idiots think of themselves as a higher priority.

I was playing Medic on 2fort, in the enemy's sewers with a combat Engie and a Soldier, enemy pyro comes in. I have like 15 HP and burning. Soldier is dead, and the Engineer takes the loving health kit. RIP Me.
you could've crouched while on the water iirc

also guys, whats the best troll name while playing medic?
mine is His foot special interest (scout+His foot special interest pistol sniper)

you could've crouched while on the water iirc
ankle deep water isn't deep enough to extinguish a fire

also guys, whats the best troll name while playing medic?
Dr. Adolphin Riddler

I leave for three days and nobody posts about the medic bread discovery. Disappointing! :cookieMonster:
(unless somebody actually has posted it and I'm just blind, in which case I apologize)

Quote from: Facepunch
Back on the topic of unused stuff that Valve could probably use (like RED bots), I'm sure you guys have seen the Medic throwing animations they added to the Medic's viewmodel. Alongside those came a new entity classname, "tf_projectile_throwable", which tries to take on the model "models/props_gameplay/small_loaf.mdl" (doesn't exist) with the attached particle effect "breadtrail_basic_red" (or _blue, I'd assume; neither seem to exist, correct me if I'm wrong) when spawned.
There's also stuff in there to look at attributes "throwable_damage" and "throwable_healing" and hurt or heal based on those (the attributes don't exist, but it looks for them anyways). It looks like it's hooked up to make the Cleaver.ImpactFlesh noise on hit.
There's an attribute for "throwable_fire_speed" which seems to control the speed of the projectile rather than the fire rate.
Lastly, it seemed like they planned to have the throwable recharge in 5.1 seconds.
The weapon that throws such a projectile is half-implemented but doesn't have a classname (e.g. "tf_weapon_throwable").

Was there a workshop item for this that they pulled at the last minute? Does anybody have any other info as to what would prompt Valve to half-add this?

I mean, throwing it is just about the only thing you can do with dolphin bread