Author Topic: Two Noobs to look out for.  (Read 2815 times)

Hello good people of the forums, how are we today?

I'm here to tell the tell of two wonderful individuals that you should look out for, and reasons why.

User No.1: bees

The user, "bees" is probably just your average noob.  He came to my server, and I could really tell from the start he was going to be a noob, by his horrible, annoying speech, as well as begging me to make him admin.  When he spawned, he made his second offense pretty quickly, by building without a baseplate, which is prohibited on my server, and many, many others.  After I politely convinced him to build on a baseplate, he build a vehicle spawner and asked me how to make a follower, He built what looked like a house, which would have been ok, but he proceeded to fill it FULL of vehicle spawners, and set up each spawner with a dog follower.  It began to lag the server quite a bit, so I confronted him about it. In an effort to try to be courteous, I let him by with having half of his bots, which was still way too many.  Later, he rebuilt the other part, along with the bots to fill it.  This is where I put my foot down.  I deleted his laggy build, and surprisingly, he was alright with it.  I apologized, and he said something along the lines of "It's ok." I figured that I'd have to keep a watch on him, and I should have known better to do what I did next.  I gave him full trust, as he wanted to help me build on one of our team builds.  But what he does next is grueling.  He built several Double Range sound bricks around the build while I was eventing, and wired them all to play.  It was annoying, and I told him to stop, where he proceeded to destroy my build, and say, "There" as if he "paid me back" for taking action against him.

Some of the build after he went through with a hammer.

Unfortunately I don't have the chat in a screenshot, due to the fact that I had to restart the server because of the lag he/she had generated.

User No.2: halo girl

I have a feeling this is just a normal spam troll.  She/He came on the server and typed random text repeatedly spamming the chat.  I regret not getting his BLID, considering he/she probably switches usernames frequently.

You can definetly tell someone's a noob when they beg to be admin.
That "payback" thing was just handicapped. If I was you, I'd have removed his trust when he hammered it, but he could have done /clearbricks.

Darn, somebody should make a "Disable Clear Bricks" add-on.
Lugnut, I'm looking at you!

You destroyed someone's build then gave them full trust? That is probably the dumbest thing I have ever heard someone do lol.

@Visage Yeah, I know, I try to be as kind as possible to my guests, I just hate it when they abuse my trust.  I guess I'll need to be more strict.  I've never really had this kind of abuse before, although I've had plenty of problems with low-lives like halo girl.

@Blocky943 I did more than remove his trust when he started hammering, I banned him. Fortunately, that's all he got to do, that along with the spammed sound bricks inside, that is.  I'm glad that he was too stupid to do any real damage.

It's called I don't care. :)

it's called using the quote button
Nice job contributing absolutely nothing to this thread!

OT: If you ever see these too again, make sure to link this drama so they can fix their behavior.

not sure if he actually broke the rule.
I guess we'll let Badspot be the judge.

Nice job contributing absolutely nothing to this thread!


OT: If you ever see these too again, make sure to link this drama so they can fix their behavior.

Will do.

yep. bees came on my server this moring and spamed the minigame events: ENERGIZER GIVE ME ADMIN PLZ PLZ PLZ

yep. bees came on my server this moring and spamed the minigame events: ENERGIZER GIVE ME ADMIN PLZ PLZ PLZ

Yeah, I just wanted to get the word out so everyone would know about his noobiness, but apparently he's spreading it without my help.