Author Topic: CS:GO (SON OF A BITCH IT IS OUT)  (Read 11017 times)

Would you really consider it a sequel?
More like a remake. With added stuff :u
I can't remember who, but someone on Youtube explained it wasn't really a sequel, just sort of like a "placeholder" for the next one.


oh I played this at e3
I still like css better I think

eh, i think it'll still be possible
No man, I tried bhopping for like 30 minutes and I was still going super slow.

This game is the best. Why? Because i can actually have less than 20 deaths in it!

No man, I tried bhopping for like 30 minutes and I was still going super slow.

I'm not quite sure, but they might have a server cvar like in Source.

OP should really have "If you aim like stuff go to the options and disable mouse acceleration and enable Raw Input."

I wish I could play but my graphics card is forgeted aaaa

So does anyone here actually use matchmaking or the new crosshair?

So does anyone here actually use matchmaking or the new crosshair?

I only use matchmaking when I team up with my friends via the lobby system.

"the draw animation is now very bad and doesn't look good at all"
The draw animation is so bad-ass, seriously man who could hate it?

i actually think it's sort of half-assed

it's badass but not as badass as spinning a giant loving deagle around your finger could be

it's like the guy holding the gun is taking it out, spinning it, and then realizing, mid spin, "WOW THIS IS REALLY STUPID I SHOULD STOP"