Author Topic: a star wars map?  (Read 5752 times)

i think i got something lemme test it

Dun dun dun dun, gonna get yo rebel scum in my ride fool.
That bitch better be HUGE.

Its loving old gtfo.

I don't want to see people making "Star Wars" maps, really I don't care how good you think you are. Most Star Wars maps never look like the original thing, my Star Destroyer map was only for fun and Deathmatches, I wasn't aiming for dead set detail. The last thing I want to see is some one make a map and call it Hoth when all it is, is a large field with snow on it. Coruscaunt is basically impossible to make unless you want to make miles of interiors which would lag and look stupid. Tatooine is another hard one to make, I wouldn't mind a small village on Tatooine with some houses that look like they are from Tatooine but that's it. Naboo has only Large area's, ether you make a field of Grass maybe with some statues or try to make the entire city's. The only time these types of maps should be done is for a Mod or a very well done Map-Pack, each map should be worked on for at least 2 weeks constructing and over viewing details.

Sorry if I sound like a total jackass but its my opinion on the matter, I don't like to see good things half-assed done. And in-case, it was wrong of me to try to do such things in the past (Only a n00b back then)

each map should be worked on for at least 2 weeks constructing and over viewing details.

Thats my plan. Custom interiors and more. I'm not going for "deadet accuracy" but more for the fabled "ah ha!" factor where people can recognise what they are seeing and have fun too.

i dont want detail, i want a chance to take a light saber, (that i hope will come from jvs mod) and plunge it into the bodies of people less skilled than me. i also would like a blaster or somthing like it, (guns cant be repeled by bobs light saber but if it could that would be sweet :D) then that would make an awesome star wars dm.

btw i heard ladios was making a blaster, laser gun like thing, but i couldnt get it cuz i cant host : (

I'm not making weapons. Just maps and perhaps vehicles.

I'm not making weapons. Just maps and perhaps vehicles.
No vehicles.

No vehicles.

Erm...why not?  Oh! you mean cos I will be flamed for trying!  :(

Good point. But you can't stop me!  >:) MUHAHAHAHAHHA


Reactor, can you make it so that there is 0 gravity, but when you get to the planet, the gravity pulls you to the center? So you can actually walk around the planet.

First off, this would have been better posted in the actual thread for my planets map. (See thread called "A decent space map...")

Anyway, Space does have zero gravity currently (existing feature) and planets do have their own gravity (current feature). Sadly point source gravity fields are not possible so you will not be able to walk around planet. Best that way anyway since you can only build/stand in one direction.

i guess i could make a star wars map. i dont know how to make a map at all, but i could try and see what i get.

NO!!! go play lego star wars. blockland is good star wars sucks blockland + star wars = FAIL

Blockland is good star wars sucks blockland
i dont get it....
but anywasy

blockland + star wars = FAIL
Ok, you have just rated some thing wrong should you A. Go kill yourself? B. Let me kill you? or C. Badspot pwnage.

Blockland plus Star Wars = loving awesome (If done right)


Blockland+Naruto/any other generic anime show = fail

Blockland+SW = pwn.

Blockland plus Star Wars = pandaing awesome (If done right)