Author Topic: Tetris Contest (Winner gets Steam Game)  (Read 4230 times)


I already have all three but I decided why not :I

this site is handicapped.

if a block touches another block it's an INSTANT placement, you can't slide it around for a second, and it sure as hell won't start falling again if you slide it all the way off.

this site is handicapped.

if a block touches another block it's an INSTANT placement, you can't slide it around for a second, and it sure as hell won't start falling again if you slide it all the way off.
Do tetris friends, I would post a link to it but it said it was spam.

For those that want the original non-stuff Tetris:

My first try:

Urgh. I just woke up, and thought this said Tetris Colorset.
I made a video of me beating my previous Tetris Party Marathon record with 200k or something like that.