Author Topic: i'm bored with blockland, what do  (Read 2049 times)

so yeah
i'm getting really really bored with blockland
there aren't any fun servers up, and no one joins my server unless it's a family RP
i might continue doing pixel art but even that gets old after a while
any suggestions on what i can do to make BL more fun?

Learn TorqueScript and make your own add-ons.

Learn TorqueScript and make your own add-ons.
it's so darn confusing though
and no modeling programs work properly on my computer so modeling is out

it's so darn confusing though
and no modeling programs work properly on my computer so modeling is out
Let me model for you, just tell me what you want!

torquescript is really easy if you have someone you can ask questions to live (as in steam, not PMs)

torquescript is really easy if you have someone you can ask questions to live (as in steam, not PMs)

I have about four friends whom I can ask for help with scripting.

yes but another thing is i have no ideas for add-ons
there's nothing i want to make

yes but another thing is i have no ideas for add-ons
there's nothing i want to make
go make some magic mods or something. there isn't many good magic weapon packs out there.

well maybe if someone wanted to help me with scripting and modeling and they tolerated my stupidity then i could try making something. :/

well maybe if someone wanted to help me with scripting and modeling and they tolerated my stupidity then i could try making something. :/
If you can't figure it out yourself, you never will.

If you can't figure it out yourself, you never will.
alright whatever you say, but i really don't believe your opinion counts for much because you hate everybody.

As much as a richardish thing that may seem to say, it's kinda true.
How I got started (and how I still figure out things sometimes) is by looking at other scripts and seeing what they did. You can also go to Coding Help and Modification Discussion and look at some of the stickies/threads, there are some useful things there.

Quote from: Badspot on the FAQ
If you can't figure this out on your own you will never be able to do it.