Author Topic: Need some sunken ship builds for a gamemode that I'm making  (Read 1558 times)

Title says it all. Well, not really.

The gamemode has the "carrying materials" system of Honormining with the build variability of the Salvage Mod. It all takes place underwater. You can buy oxygen tanks to stay under longer, or even make your own out of materials you've salvaged. Same with pressurized suits; they let you go deeper. So would anyone like to contribute, either a shipwreck or an actual ship? I am accepting full ships because I can half-bury them myself.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2012, 07:57:47 PM by YourBuddyBill »

just host a server thats titles Help Wanted and tell people what you need.
works for me.

just host a server thats titles Help Wanted and tell people what you need.
works for me.
I am unable to properly host multiplayer servers due to difficulties with my craptop. This thread was more a request for bls files that I could edit in singleplayer, as I do not want to waste money on a dedicated server for a gamemode that won't be up for who-knows-how-long.

Oh god, my sides!
if you dont care about the era its from, try using the default 2 ships save and editing it.

Oh god, my sides!
if you dont care about the era its from, try using the default 2 ships save and editing it.
I've done that several times over, pal. I need a lot of variety for this thing. Although the default two ships are prettymuch the era I'm looking for. Anything medieval to pirate eras work best.

medieval?, that was single or no sail ships for the most part, perhaps....Renascence?

medieval?, that was single or no sail ships for the most part, perhaps....Renascence?

Prettymuch anything within those two timeframes. Fantasy works, steampunk requires some editing on my part but is still useful. Renascence (Geez that word cannot be spelled) is great.

Prettymuch anything within those two timeframes. Fantasy works, steampunk requires some editing on my part but is still useful. Renascence (Geez that word cannot be spelled) is great.
Damn. I'd hate to be the only person in a steampunk universe in a water-based ship :P

Damn. I'd hate to be the only person in a steampunk universe in a water-based ship :P
Actually, I'll reveal a little bit of story for you here.

The location is a deep pit off of the Bellkel Beach, named for the aquatic species that once lived in the waters. When the Fallen being known as Scurvy Dog plauged their waters, they could no longer grow food, so they resorted to piracy, hence the sheer number of sunken ships involved. When the other races on the planet mastered air travel, the Bellkel were mostly starved into extinction, though reports suggest that a few survived by blasting airships out of the sky and raiding the supplies.