Author Topic: Banned from Cugar's jail escape! FROM BADMIN NAMED *Porto*  (Read 10767 times)

Either way you look at it, most of it is still a he said she said story without any proof!
>No proof
>Person hosting said drama'd server acts like an idiot on the thread
>We have all the proof we need

i met Porto
He can be a real prick

I still see no real proof of anything besides a couple ban messages that could of rly been anything in the world....

I still see no real proof of anything besides a couple ban messages that could of rly been anything in the world....
Open your loving eyeballs kid

We shown all the proof we need
-Ridiculous ban reasons
-Everyone else agrees/ have been banned ridiculously by stupid people that were admin there
-You have no evidence to prove yourself wrong

Open your loving eyeballs kid

We shown all the proof we need
-Ridiculous ban reasons
-Everyone else agrees/ have been banned ridiculously by stupid people that were admin there
-You have no evidence to prove yourself wrong

Open your loving eyeballs kid

I'm wide awake I'm wide awake I'm wide awake Ya I was in the dark... o stuff I am still posting...

NONE of you still have no proof of the actual offence that happaned no chat logs no nothin to back up your story like I said before its STILL A HE SAID SHE SAID STORY!

We shown all the proof we need
-Ridiculous ban reasons
I hope you do realize that these reasons weren't the actual reasons of why you guys got banned. You guys were so obnoxious that writing a legit reason was just... superfluous
-Everyone else agrees/ have been banned ridiculously by stupid people that were admin there
Everyone who's naive or stupid enough to believe a desperate kid that tries to get unbanned agrees, yeah.
-You have no evidence to prove yourself wrong
I believe it's you who has to come up with some real proof instead of coming up with some stuffty screenshot which clearly isn't proof.

Do I really have to explain myself twice?

I hope you do realize that these reasons weren't the actual reasons of why you guys got banned.
They are reasons because they are rediculous
Who the hell does "Suck my richard you cunt" for afk or killing a guard

You guys were so obnoxious that writing a legit reason was just... superfluousEveryone who's naive or stupid enough to believe a desperate kid that tries to get unbanned agrees, yeah.
We weren't obnoxious, we were having fun. You were being irresponsible and a really huge richard.
-A desperate kid? This is drama, you post reasons to ban people or problems.

I believe it's you who has to come up with some real proof instead of coming up with some stuffty screenshot which clearly isn't proof.
We already gave the proof. (the bans, the people, like I said, etc.)
CLEARLY NOT ANY PROOF? Get the hell out bro. I think we won here.
You banned us for no apparent reason but for your amusement.

PICTURE PROOF of chat logs to defend your self....

They are reasons because they are rediculous
Nice logic there. How old were you again?
Who the hell does "Suck my richard you cunt" for being an obnoxious cunt
I do, when a kick from the server isn't enough to make you stop being an obnoxious cunt.
We already gave the proof. (the bans, the people, like I said, etc.)
CLEARLY NOT ANY PROOF? Get the hell out bro. I think we won here.
You banned us for no apparent reason but for your amusement.
Bans for you and that other cunt were and still are completely justified due to you two being huge cunts.

Nice logic there. How old were you again?I do, when a kick from the server isn't enough to make you stop being an obnoxious cunt.Bans for you and that other cunt were and still are completely justified due to you two being huge cunts.

How old am I? I think you should pose that question to yourself. I don't go around blaming people I'm a "Cunt". I also love how you justified my quote. You are wrong. I kill you when I was a prisoner, now I'm the obnoxious cunt? Come on you stupid brits, this is why America left you.
Secondly, you never even kicked me. I don't even know where the hell that came from. Why would you just be that damn stupid too, we have been showing more proof than you guys. Why don't you start proving yourself wrong for a bit. I think we are winning here but you just don't dare to accept it. Face it, you lost bro, back down now.

This is getting intresting

You have to be loving kidding.

you don't know creep as well as I do so maybe it isn't to you but that's your own cup of tea that your entitled to....