Author Topic: 2012/08/26 - Blockland r1715  (Read 49385 times)

For all the people hating on glass, he's right you know.
Nobody said he wasn't. Everyone hates him because he keeps coming back.

I'm still unable to use shaders :c. I miss terrains.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2012, 03:06:26 PM by Pie Crust »

Shaders still aren't showing up for me. I have an NVIDIA GeForce GT 640m. Heres my console.log

Shaders still aren't showing up for me. I have an NVIDIA GeForce GT 640m. Heres my console.log

"OpenGL driver information:
  Vendor: Intel
  Renderer: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000
  Version: 3.3.0 - Build"

Seems like it's not using NVidia.

^ this

Look around in video settings and see if you can set Blockland to use the nVidia card instead of integrated.

My Blockland is using NVidia but the shaders won't show up anyways :c


  • Administrator
you missed the point -- my mod is NOT calling getColorIDTable()

Right, but it is setting the colorID of bricks to > 63.  When you shoot a brick it looks up the color to see if it is transparent or not (transparent bricks are easier to blow up), if you've set the color id out of range you will encounter this error. 

Right, but it is setting the colorID of bricks to > 63.  When you shoot a brick it looks up the color to see if it is transparent or not (transparent bricks are easier to blow up), if you've set the color id out of range you will encounter this error. 
hrm okay, I didnt know that -- I thought it caught color id out of range on plant.
I'll have another look at my brick creation code.


  • Administrator
Client 442387 disconnected.
Issuing Disconnect packet.

base/server/scripts/game.cs (1119): Unable to find object: '442415' attempting to call function 'getBrickSpawnPoint'
BackTrace: ->GameConnection::onDrop->GameConnection::onClientLeaveGame->MiniGameSO::removeMember->GameConnection::InstantRespawn->GameConnection::spawnPlayer->GameConnection::getSpawnPoint

base/server/scripts/allGameScripts.cs (26935): Unable to find object: '442415' attempting to call function 'getCount'
BackTrace: ->GameConnection::onDrop->GameConnection::onClientLeaveGame->MiniGameSO::removeMember

CDROP: 442387 IP:****

Client 380407 disconnected.
Issuing Disconnect packet.

base/server/scripts/allGameScripts.cs (26935): Unable to find object: '380455' attempting to call function 'getCount'
BackTrace: ->GameConnection::onDrop->[Dig_package]GameConnection::onClientLeaveGame->GameConnection::onClientLeaveGame->MiniGameSO::removeMember

These are caused by the player not having a brick group.  Are you deleting the player's brick groups or preventing them from being created?


  • Administrator
Also you should move the infinite mining spawn point down to at least 50,000, preferably lower.  At the current value of 175,000 there are massive floating point precision errors everywhere.  
« Last Edit: August 29, 2012, 06:46:27 PM by Badspot »

Also you should move the infinite mining spawn point down to at least 50,000, preferably lower.  At the current value of 175,000 there are massive floating point precision errors everywhere.  
Yes i know - it causes complaints when people can jet out of the map.

Unfortunately everyone likes to dig VERY VERY deep, and if I have the offset at +50k then they can only dig down to -50k

But if I could plant bricks where Z < 0 then most of the problems would go away.


  • Administrator
Yes i know - it causes complaints when people can jet out of the map.

Unfortunately everyone likes to dig VERY VERY deep, and if I have the offset at +50k then they can only dig down to -50k

But if I could plant bricks where Z < 0 then most of the problems would go away.

Has anyone ever dug below -50k without admin granted money?  Seriously.  I fell down a hole to -32k the other day and it took several minutes to get there.  The bricks have over 10 million health at that depth.  No one is mining these bricks.

Almost everyday I go thru this problem, It makes me start the Launcher about 6 Times before it actually runs the game. Heres my console+launcher.log.

Even without all the exploits Red fixed over time, I still think there are people who go way beyond that depth just for the sake of it. But that is not to say against the limit being lowered.

Has anyone ever dug below -50k without admin granted money?  Seriously.  I fell down a hole to -32k the other day and it took several minutes to get there.  The bricks have over 10 million health at that depth.  No one is mining these bricks.
Yes they have.
prior to v21 the limit was truly "unlimited"  and there were people at -120k

/buy dirt <very big number>
spam drills
console:   crouch(1);mousefire(1);
... and then go eat dinner / play xbox / watch tv

Typically what happens is 1 person will dig or drill to some depth, place a teleport brick, and teleport their friends down, then leave.  the friends will dig or drill further, place their own teleport brick, and invite More friends.. and the process repeats