Author Topic: The Dialectizer  (Read 1498 times)

Holy stuff I haven't laughed this hard in awhile

just make sure to scroll the windows that open up upward every time you open a new page
"Blockland is an online multiplayer game where yer build fings wiv bricks."
Holy stuff I haven't laughed this hard in awhile

Aerospace Engineering: Brought to you by Alyx Vance

Aerospace ingineerin' is th' primary branch of ingineerin' corncerned wif th' design, cornstruckshun, an' science of aircraf' an' spacecraf'. It is divided into two majo' an' on overlappin' branches: aeronautical ingineerin' an' astronautical ingineerin'. Th' fo'mer deals wif craf' thet stay wifin Earth's atmosphar, an' th' latter wif craf' thet operate outside it.
Aerospace Engineerin' deals wif th' design, cornstruckshun, an' study of th' science behind th' fo'ces an' physical rightties of aircraf', rockets, flyin' craf', an' spacecraf'. Th' field also covahs their aerodynamic chareeckeristics an' behavio's, airfoil, corntrol surfaces, lif', drag, an' other rightties. Aerospace ingineerin' is not t'be cornfused wif th' various other fields of ingineerin' thet hoof it into designin' elements of these complex craf'. Fo' example, th' design of aircraf' avionics, while sartinly part of th' system as a whole,'d rather be cornsidered eleckrical ingineerin', o' perhaps computer ingineerin'. Or an aircraf''s lan'in' gear system may be cornsidered primarily th' field of mechanical ingineerin'. Thar is typically a combinashun of menny disciplines thet make up aerospace ingineerin'.
While aeronautical ingineerin' was th' origeenal term, th' broader "aerospace" has superseded it in usage, as flight technology advanced t'include craf' operatin' in outer space. Aerospace ingineerin', particularly th' astronautics branch, is offen referred t'colloquially as "rocket science", although this hyar is a popular misnomer.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2012, 09:15:58 PM by Dezcaban »

oh my god lol.  i love this
String Theory, as explained by a Swedish Chef:
Streeng zeeury is un ecteefe-a reseerch fremoourk in perteecle-a physeecs thet ettempts tu recunceele-a qoountoom mechuneecs und generel releteefity. Bork bork bork! It is a cuntender fur a zeeury ooff iferytheeng (TOE), a selff-cunteeened mezeemeteecel mudel thet descreebes ell foondementel furces und furms ooff metter. Hurty flurty schnipp schnipp! Streeng zeeury puseets thet zee ilementery perteecles (ie-a. ilectruns und qooerks) veethin un etum ere-a nut 0-deemensiunel oobjects, boot rezeer 1-deemensiunel oosceelleting leenes ("streengs").

Zee ierleeest streeng mudel, zee busuneec streeng, incurpureted oonly busuns, elthuoogh thees feeoo defeluped tu zee sooperstreeng zeeury, vheech puseets thet a cunnecshun (a "soopersymmetry") ixeests betveee busuns und fermeeuns. Um gesh dee bork, bork! Streeng zeeureees elsu reqooure-a zee ixeestence-a ooff seferel ixtra deemensiuns tu zee uneeferse-a thet hefe-a beee cumpecteeffied intu ixtremely smell sceles, in eddeeshun tu zee fuoor knoon speceteeme-a deemensiuns. Um gesh dee bork, bork!

Zee zeeury hes its ooreegins in un iffffurt tu understund zee strung furce-a, zee dooel resununce-a mudel (1969). Soobseqooent tu thees, feefe-a deefffferent sooperstreeng zeeureees vere-a defeluped thet incurpureted fermeeuns und pussessed oozeer pruperteees necessery fur a zeeury ooff iferytheeng. Seence-a zee meed-1990s, in perteecooler dooe-a tu inseeghts frum dooeleeties shoon tu relete-a zee feefe-a zeeureees, un ilefee-deemensiunel zeeury celled M-zeeury is beleeefed tu incumpess ell ooff zee prefeeuoosly deestinct sooperstreeng zeeureees. Um gesh dee bork, bork![ceeteshun needed]

Muny zeeureteecel physeecists (i.g., Stephee Hevkeeng, Idverd Veettee, Jooun Meldecena und Leunerd Soosskeend) beleeefe-a thet streeng zeeury is a step tooerds zee currect foondementel descreepshun ooff netoore-a. Thees is becoose-a streeng zeeury elloos fur zee cunseestent cumbeeneshun ooff qoountoom feeeld zeeury und generel releteefity, egrees veet generel inseeghts in qoountoom grefeety (sooch es zee hulugrepheec preenciple-a und Bleck hule-a zeermudynemeecs), und becoose-a it hes pessed muny nun-treefiel checks ooff its internel cunseestency. Bork bork bork![1][2][3][4] Eccurdeeng tu Hevkeeng in perteecooler, "M-zeeury is zee oonly cundeedete-a fur a cumplete-a zeeury ooff zee uneeferse-a."[5] Neferzeeless, oozeer physeecists, sooch es Feynmun und Gleshoo, hefe-a creeticized streeng zeeury fur nut prufeeding nufel ixpereementel predeecshuns et eccesseeble-a inergy sceles. Um gesh dee bork, bork![6]
« Last Edit: August 27, 2012, 09:12:59 PM by _Rave_ »

Blucklund is un oonleene-a moolteepleyer geme-a vhere-a yuoo booeeld theengs veet breecks. Um gesh dee bork, bork!

what the forget
viewing this topic in "Hacker" is like rlcbm vision

Explaining the Dialectizer in the Dialect of a Moron.

De Dialeckizeh takes text or odeh webuhb pages 'n instant crates parodies of dem! Doihh, COOL! Try it out by seleckigg a dialeck, den entehigg a URL or English text below. If you habe kesshuns bou' what De Dialeckizeh does or duh, how it does it, uh, blease see de "Inf'mashun" seckion toerd de bottom of dis page.

Aerospace Engineering: Brought to you by Alyx Vance

Damn lol. Thats hilarious.

Aerospace Engineering: Brought to you by Alyx Vance

Speaking of Alyx...

ah's a Southern US citizen an' ah love Jesus an' ah's a member of th' NRA an' own one houn' houn'dog, an' haf 10 chillun

Speaking of Alyx...

ah's a Southern US citizen an' ah love Jesus an' ah's a member of th' NRA an' own one houn' houn'dog, an' haf 10 chillun

Lol. I only didn't get the last word.

Oh okay.
Problem is its not chillrun its Chilled-run