
Which 3? (until I know how to make it multi-option, people will vote once and i'll pick the top 3)

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Total Members Voted: 5

Author Topic: [100x75] Axxon's Rising - *Flatline*  (Read 16937 times)

stuff i don't want to quote
What happened to X21? You evil man, you killed it!

What happened to X21? You evil man, you killed it!

i dunno, sounded to robot-y


welp guess i'll be an adventure-whore and join up

Name: Kenji Mimikono

Race: Android
Skills: (mouseover for description)
Resistance Balance, Artificial Aura, CQC Training
Weapon: (mouseover for description)
Compact Railer, Exotic Knife
Faction: Composite Good/Neutral
(An advanced form of good/neutral; often involves switching between chaotic/neutral/lawful good and chaotic/true/lawful neutral)
He was created in secret as part of a project to develop an android that would be able to utilize experimental and unstable machinery relatively safely. Kenji is the end product of frequent trial and error. He escaped using various experimental weaponry, and is now saving people's asses left and right because he wants to.

Name: Spytective Gunshoe
Sprite: This is Gunshoe
Race: Maybe Human
Skills: He can shoot bullets out of his fingers when in the shape of a gun, he can shoot many different projectiles out objects in the shape of a gun.

Weapon: His literal hand gun
               Double hand gun
              Gunshoe's shoe gun

Side: Mostly good, but can be unpredictable due to his loyalty to his directive.
Backstory: As a boy, he found that he could use the power of the hand gun when he put his hand up, and a bullet came out. But as he grew up he hid this power from everybody, even his parents. He grew up as a normal boy. However, in secret he always practiced and soon became a dead-on shot. When he was 14, he took lessons from a master sculptor and found he could shoot bullets out of any gun shaped object he could carve or find, so he studied and became skillful at making gun shaped objects. One day, when he was 18, he got into a fight with a strange man searching his house unwarranted, and used hand guns. The man suddenly stopped, and instead of continuing this fight, he offered him job. He could become a spytective for an agency nobody but a choice few know about outside its staff.

He now does international spy work and investigation. Perhaps. Nobody really knows what he does, or why he does other than that it was probably an order from above. No one knows his real name or anything other than his past. He recently appeared near the tower, muttering to himself about something. Something ready to go down and that it must be stopped.


Name: Xaq
Race: ???
Skills: A secret technique hidden in the Voidsplitter that can be used to send out sharp waves of dark energy.
Weapon: Voidsplitter - A large katana capable of cutting iron.
Any other sprites:
Side: Evil
Nobody knows who this person is, or what he is.
All that's known about him is that he's a mysterious person who is hoping for everybody to disappear into nothingness.
He is an excellent swordsman and will not stop fighting until either he or his enemy loses, unless his honor will be damaged if he continues battling. He is a man of honor and treasures it more than anything. If his honor is in danger of being damaged he will stop doing whatever he was doing.


might update tonight

Name: Spytective Gunshoe
Sprite: This is Gunshoe
Race: Maybe Human
Skills: He can shoot bullets out of his fingers when in the shape of a gun, he can shoot many different projectiles out objects in the shape of a gun.

Weapon: His literal hand gun
               Double hand gun
              Gunshoe's shoe gun

Side: Mostly good, but can be unpredictable due to his loyalty to his directive.
Backstory: As a boy, he found that he could use the power of the hand gun when he put his hand up, and a bullet came out. But as he grew up he hid this power from everybody, even his parents. He grew up as a normal boy. However, in secret he always practiced and soon became a dead-on shot. When he was 14, he took lessons from a master sculptor and found he could shoot bullets out of any gun shaped object he could carve or find, so he studied and became skillful at making gun shaped objects. One day, when he was 18, he got into a fight with a strange man searching his house unwarranted, and used hand guns. The man suddenly stopped, and instead of continuing this fight, he offered him job. He could become a spytective for an agency nobody but a choice few know about outside its staff.

He now does international spy work and investigation. Perhaps. Nobody really knows what he does, or why he does other than that it was probably an order from above. No one knows his real name or anything other than his past. He recently appeared near the tower, muttering to himself about something. Something ready to go down and that it must be stopped.
shoe.. gun?

The Welder-SNK43314 sticks his head up.

He used Girder Cutter!

Matt: 30/120
Frank: 30/100

No fair he attacked twice
Cut his neck throat thing whatever with my laser

those are some pretty cheap girders if they can't even knock someone out

those are some pretty cheap girders if they can't even knock someone out
yes but they do 50 damage
No fair he attacked twice
Cut his neck throat thing whatever with my laser
your lasers are only 5000*C

Do you mind if I was to create a tall character?

your lasers are only 5000*C

Dude 5000*C is hot
As in melt everything hot

Dude 5000*C is hot
As in melt everything hot
not as hot as MY ASS....

*tuches butt sssssssizzle*

oh ya !