Author Topic: Doctor Who - Christmas Special  (Read 5021 times)

Looking forward to tomorrow :D

This is an image of the power of three.
If this isn't just a troll... oh my. Timelord shenanigans afoot!

borderlands 2 references dr who

the term "allons-y" is used by claptrap near the beginning of the game
i know it's used elsewhere too but it was popularized by doctor who in any case

This is an image of the power of three.
If this isn't just a troll... oh my. Timelord shenanigans afoot!
Wasn't there another fob watch that popped up somewhere and it ended up being nothing?

Although that would make an interesting twist


Actually, compared to the previous episodes, the last was quite good.

Actually, compared to the previous episodes, the last was quite good.
It was good, it just felt SLIGHTLY repetitive with the whole 'she's alive but in a place I can't reach and will probably come back somehow when the walls of the universe fall down again because daleks.'

why is the fourth doctor the only good one?

the rest are all average and the new ones are like 100% total ass.
like they figuratively reek of fermented brontosaurus urine.

I would place this as probably the best episode this half-series. (Although to be honest, I've thought that this series has been a bit lacking, with odd character development, sometimes half-assed plot endings and some faffing around with characters.)

I did like the ending. It was perfectly sad for saying goodbye to a good companion, as it should be.
A little bit disappointed with the lack of farewell by Rory, but I suppose that was part of the twist.
But it's a characteristic they've pulled since introducing the Ponds. Rory is always left a little bit too far behind. I get the point of it all, but sometimes it seems like they miss out on a very good character.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to Series 7 Part 2, and the Christmas special. Still seems dreadful to me to have such a big gap (or to have any gap at all).
We'll only get a few episodes post-Christmas for them to develop a cliffhanger or climatic episode.
Which is what I really expect from Doctor Who.

Really, you need a whole series to get the best out of a new companion.
The Martha Jones and Donna Noble storylines were great, even though they were just a single series.
But had they been cut in half, we might not have gotten much out of them.

I just hope that they deal with this second half nicely, and with the next series.
Keep your Doctor to having the same character (I don't mind if he's moodier following this event), give the companion a character that isn't annoying (As Donna could be), and keep the plots well thought out.
I don't want a rubbish ending like The Power of Three. If you don't have time to put in some actual clever ending, then make it a two-parter.

If the Weeping Angels turn into Stone statues, then why can't you just smash them up when looking at them?
Surely a pile of rubble isn't too dangerous?

And also, how can the Statue of Liberty go un-noticed when it's moving around and making massive noises?
In a city like New York, that would surely be noticed almost all the time? And if it moves around at all, it's definitely not going to be un-seen.

It was good, it just felt SLIGHTLY repetitive with the whole 'she's alive but in a place I can't reach and will probably come back somehow when the walls of the universe fall down again because daleks.'
This is true. They will always always always insist that the Doctor Who universe has unchangeable things.
Like Rose being stuck in a different universe. Or the lives of people being Timelocked. Or Time Lords supposedely having 13 regenerations maximum.

But they can also just come up with any old sci-fi rubbish to explain it away.
Your example with Rose in Series 4. The Master regenerating time and time again, and being given new regenerations by the Time Lords.

If they ever want to revisit the Ponds, even for a single episode, finale, Christmas special or Children In Need Special, then they'll come up with some way to do it.

You really shouldn't visit this topic before watching the episode.
Spoilers are common.

Infact, Freeze, you should maybe edit the title to warn about Spoilers.

You really shouldn't visit this topic before watching the episode.
Spoilers are common.

Infact, Freeze, you should maybe edit the title to warn about Spoilers.

i was a season behind :CCCC


Paleontologically incorrect term for years PAL.

It's an "apatosaurus." Get it right.