Section 2: Generating Depthmaps with ShadersGetting Started: This process will probably only work well if Blockland is in windowed mode. It is also recommened that this is only done in single player. You will need to be admin so you can change enviroment settings. Your computer will need to be able to run at least minimum shaders.
1. Position your camera to where you will want it to be for the screnshot. Once you are there you cannot move until the process is completed.
2. Take the screenshot
3. Being careful not to move the camera, use enviromental controls to set the skybox to Costruct (pure white). Go to the advanced tab. Turn vingetteing off and if the sun flare is in the camera view you will need to turn that off too.
4. While Blockland is still open, open the "Blockland/shaders/common.glsl" and scroll down to the bottom.

5. Insert these lines of code right above
return fragColor:
float depthColor = vPos.y * 0.015f;
depthColor = depthColor / (depthColor + 1.0f);
fragColor.x = depthColor;
fragColor.y = depthColor;
fragColor.z = depthColor;
fragColor.w = depthColor;

6. Save the file.
7. Go back into Blockland and set your shaders to "Minimum". Everything should turn black and white.
8. Take a Screenshot.
Congratulations! You should now have a screenshot and a depthmap!
If you are using GIMP, skip to
Section 3.
If you are using Adobe Photoshop, skip to
Section 4.