Author Topic: (Dezacaban and CoolKoopaTroopa)  (Read 7697 times)

Wtf? It was a picture. Get banned.
You're really the epitome of intelligence, aren't you?

How was that stupid?
It has absolutely nothing to do with the topic and it was completely out of the blue.

He is pretty much trying to change the topic so he is targeted no more.

You're really the epitome of intelligence, aren't you?
Just because you use fancy words doesn't make you any smarter.

Just because you use fancy words doesn't make you any smarter.
implying epitome and intelligence are advanced words lmao

implying epitome and intelligence are advanced words lmao
I was talking about the word "epitome"

Don't pronounce it epi-toam, by the way. People will laugh at you. :(

sure it's not just you?


Really? Still stuffting up my thread?
Get banned.

It has absolutely nothing to do with the topic and it was completely out of the blue.

He is pretty much trying to change the topic so he is targeted no more.

>implying that the topic is at all about him and not backfired

>implying that the topic is at all about him and not backfired
I didn't say its all about him now did I?

I didn't say its all about him now did I?

it wasn't about him since like page two

it's about you being a tribal attention whore

How was that stupid?
he's doing the same thing that scratch is doing but yea this

I was talking about the word "epitome"
i learned that word in 6th grade rofl

or have you not gotten there yet

He is pretty much trying to change the topic so he is targeted no more.
koopa isnt being targeted, you're dumb

i learned that word in 6th grade rofl

or have you not gotten there yet
I'm a sophomore.
My school never bothered to teach us words we wouldn't plan on using anyways.

I'm a sophomore.
My school never bothered to teach us words we wouldn't plan on using anyways.
"epitome"?  Why wouldn't you learn that word?

God the south is backwards...