Author Topic: Roblox and Blockland - We need peace.  (Read 1542 times)

Just abandon this thread, don't bump.  :panda:

This is a complete exaggeration of a problem that exists only between maybe 50 people from Blockland & Roblox.

We are not rival communities and are very different games.

Larger community, huh?
I'd say it's full of dumbasses, handicaps, noobs, and ODers. Not even the commercial got it right. "Millions of players!" More like millions of deactivated and alternate accounts. Blockland this night: 18/28 players in Lugnut's Zombies in the Bluzone* And if it's an RP in Blockland, people actually RP and not bitch in the chat section. Blockland may have a (relatively) small community, but it makes up for it in intelligence and good servers. Quality over quantity, dude. - Rayitillyo
That has to be the most accurate comment that has been made ever for this game debate. Not one of those "OH BLAND RULZ OVR ROBLX CUZ ITS BTR AND LOL U MAD"

Anyone else agree?

War or not. I call it "Opinion war" where no one wins because opinions don't pose as facts.

It will never happen because the children nowadays are severely mentally handicapped and will grow up to be unsuccessful adults who sit at the streets begging for money.

There is no war between the games, Its just players from the game feel there is a war goin on and trying to start problems because they feel the game is superior or better to the other and this thread is only making it worse.

there is no loving war. just handicaps yelling about video games.

there is a rivalry but it merely consists of idiots who like to yell at other games and think it's their "responsibility" since they prefer another game.

jesus richard now I have to repost this:
This entire goddamn "war" is a slapfight of two groups of handicapped kids.

Blockland is a great, simple game with a bat-forget insane community while ROBLOX is a potentially good game made into an asylum for feral children by the horrible excuses for admins.
ROBLOX "soldiers" are cheap hobos and Blocklander "spetsnaz" are ludicrously easy to offend. And both sides have previously banned people too.
It goes absolutely endlessly. And by endlessly I mean until one of the game creators dies, the game gets screwed over or - god forbid - something else.
Both sides: shut the forget up.

I need a drink.