Author Topic: What is wrong with this image?  (Read 3837 times)

- Uses a script.

First person to guess it right wins a pack of condoms.

have fun kids

rain hits bricks and doesn't go through what do i win

Be more descriptive.
Proper rain collision using zone events. (or a script)

No brick textures on the top?

No brick textures on the top?
I just do that because it looks nice/smooth.

Will this script be public?

Will this script be public?
I don't release my scripts because my scripts are not quality and would most likely be failed.

And all you guys do is horde them anyway.

Did you just make every brick spawn a zone when it's planted?

And if that is the case does it actually work when you've loaded bricks?

Did you just make every brick spawn a zone when it's planted?

pro scripter

although it doesn't work when you load so it's pretty much useless