Author Topic: Qualities of a good challenge?  (Read 2133 times)

No. You can have at most one of these. Memory challenges are lame.
Id rather not have to figure out which of the 50 something doors wont kill me then write it down.

All that crap is, is filler that makes your challenge "longer" and more of a chore.
A challenge should be fun.
What about putting a twist on it? Like in my most recent challenge I gave you the colors of the bricks you were supposed to click, but I gave the list somewhat quickly and sometimes the word and the color of the text was not the same.

I'll tell you one thing you want to absolutely avoid putting in your challenge.

Anything where the player has to guess. For example, putting up 4 doors where 3 of them kill the player and have no way of telling which one is the right one. This is just time consuming and isn't a challenge. It's the same kind of challenge as rolling a die. Which. Isn't a challenge. It's all luck. Challenges should be 99% skill, 1% luck. Do not ever include guessing.

nooow i remember pieslappers
my friend and i joined it while screaming at each other over skype for no reason

then he said he got bored and we both left, right after i found the way out of the maze level
that solution to the maze was brilliant.

Everything in a challenge should be at least hinted at, don't add traps without warning: The floor breaks as you walk on it even though it looks like all the other floors.
Add subtle clues as to what things do, want that floor to crumble? Build cracks, use an emitter, give them a clue.

Invisible walls are bad. The last thing anyone wants is to see an obvious jump just to be met half way with a wall that kills or blocks you that you cannot see. If there is an exploit you want to patch up, have the bricks visible and blend in with the scenery: Use a line of built trees in a forest/have a cave-in or rock pile in your cave.

Edit: I should write a guideline for making a good challenge...

Also. Never include mazes. They aren't challenging, just time consuming.

Also. Never include mazes. They aren't challenging, just time consuming.
You come to a spot where two ways continue?
Always follow the right wall, whereever it goes.
Just turn right at every junction and you WILL reach the exit, getting stuck in a circle with this method is impossible.

Things that launch you into the air while you have to land in a target are pretty cool.

Juding by this thread I should pace up the putting into a gamemode of my cosmetically decorated non-luck based 1-2 player challenge that only features exactly 1 jump. Not a jump challenge, just 1 single jump that could be considered hard.
Also no mazes or random luck based 'challenge' rooms. I'm having trouble with the JVS part of it though, it uses phytraps and therefor has well over 50 content pieces, which I can't put in a gamemode AFAIK, so they'd have to manually change it which wouldn't be very user frienly.

You come to a spot where two ways continue?
Always follow the right wall, whereever it goes.
Just turn right at every junction and you WILL reach the exit, getting stuck in a circle with this method is impossible.
Still doesn't make it entertaining lol.