Author Topic: Am I the only one who sees these weird streaks of light?  (Read 14382 times)

This has just been bothering me lately and Google can't find me a definitive answer.

This is what it looks like, (I'm assuming) when you look at a point of light at night.

This is what I see (with some gradient effect between each streak)

The streaks rotate with my head, so I know it's in my eyes and not outside, and I've seen these since childhood so I know it's not life-threatening. I just want to know if it's natural to see these things, or better yet if there is a name for this if it's not natural. Thanks.

If you wear glasses its a smear on your glasses, otherwise you probably just have watery eyes or something

whenever I look into lights for a period of time, i start seeing these Floating things

If you wear glasses its a smear on your glasses, otherwise you probably just have watery eyes or something
I wear glasses, but I distinctly remember seeing them before I got them as a child. I'll look into the watery eyes thing though.

whenever I look into lights for a period of time, i start seeing these Floating things

well I see them as long as the light is in my vision, but only when my point of focus is below the light source, if I'm looking above the light, I don't see it. (forgot to mention that, oops)

Watery eyes/hair in your eyes/eyelashes.
Or you have a crazy eye disease and you're just going to die.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2012, 08:59:59 AM by Clone v.117 »

Google is still failing me, how would watery eyes cause those streaks? I would think if my eyes were watery blinking would change how long  the streaks were, It's more like the streaks are part of my retna, rather than due to a change in the moisture of my eyes.

You mean the star looking shape the light and streaks create? That happens when I look at streetlights through either a car window or squinting my eyes so I see through my eyelashes.

no, the star is there, but I'm wondering about the streaks I made in the second picture, I've never seen things like that in other pictures of light sources, so I'm wondering if it's my eyes or if no one pays attention to them.

That's how I see light because I need glasses. I've gotten used to it though, it's been years!

it's when you look at a light and then you look away and it makes these things that i think were called afterlights or something like that, it's the previous image of the light still in your head

I get them occasionally. It's usually water/my eyelashes.

Don't quote me but I'm fairly sure it has to do with the density or dimensional variations in your eyes (which is also the reason you need glasses)
That could cause the light to be distorted in a predictable pattern even with correctional lenses, unless of course you got lenses to specifically correct this problem.

Again I'm not positive but that's what it sounds like.

Don't quote me but I'm fairly sure it has to do with the density or dimensional variations in your eyes (which is also the reason you need glasses)
That could cause the light to be distorted in a predictable pattern even with correctional lenses, unless of course you got lenses to specifically correct this problem.

Again I'm not positive but that's what it sounds like.

I don't need glasses and my vision is like 15/20 and I get this occasionally.

I don't need glasses and my vision is like 15/20 and I get this occasionally.
Well, yes you do need glasses. Maybe not for everyday life, but to make your vision on par with the average persons, you do.

And actually to clarify; 15/20 would mean your vision is below average. But 15/20 doesn't even exist.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2012, 10:59:41 AM by blaman »

Maybe you're using Eksi's lights