Author Topic: Bones is buying a laptop v2  (Read 2899 times)

I have one of these. They're great.

I kinda dropped it a few times and knocked the RAM out of it's slots or something so it was acting up but it's fixed and working great again.

Good to hear. I'm STOKED.

i thought alienware was stuff?
what? the only stuffty things about alienware is the price.

i have the x51 and it's amazing, and it runs virtually anything.

good luck with you're new laptop (when you get it), Bones. :D

i thought alienware was stuff?
It is. Especially the customer service. If you even damage your laptop by the slightest thing, they don't fix it.

alienware are ugly as all hell lols

alienware are ugly as all hell lols

I could care less what it looks like. I bought it for the screen and specs.