Author Topic: My ex-friend Joey has manipulated me for the last time. (LONNNGGG RANT)  (Read 4514 times)

I used to be friends with a kid in my grade named Joey.

Joey has tons of mental difficulties. He can overreact, but he's a great manipulator. He is very creepy and today my best friend Fabio and I decided to stop being friends with him but not tell him.

So Blockland forums, I am about to go on a long rant. Tl;dr-ers, all I can say is get out.

Here I go.

Let's start all the way at the beginning, shall we?


When I was in Kindergarten, Joey was on the same bus as I was. He would also sometimes sit in the same seat. Whenever I would try to draw something on the window with the watery gasious-liquid material, he would erase it and write "STOP".

Ok, whhaaat?

My best friend Fabio was friends with him from about 1st grade to today.

I'm not going to talk about their friendship, but I will skip to 6th grade, when our friendship sprouted. Yes, I said that.

6th grade.

On the first day of 6th grade in math, Joey was in my class. We were going over our Summer Packet. I admit, I got a stupid answer and when she called on me, I gave the answer. It was about the length of the floor to the doorknob or something stupid like that.

Joey gave a giggle.

I was a little embarassed I must admit.

So throughout the year, Fabio would visit and talk with him. I don't know exactly how our friendship started, but by the middle of 6th grade we were good friends.

However, in 7th grade, I noticed his behavior affected by his mental difficulties more and more.

7th grade.

If someone annoyed Joey beyond his threshold, he would scream at him, no matter what kind of environment he is in. Whether it was in lunch and the table next to us was annoying us, whether a teacher is teaching a lesson, if you got past Joey's patience level, bad.

In the middle of 7th grade, he started causing problems with our friendship.

Joey started bugging Fabio, idk I forget but Fabio got madder and madder. Some of it was Joey doing weird things.

For instance, he participated in the school talent show for the year. On the day of the performance, he wore a full tuxedo to school and at his act. What. You don't wear that to a public middle school.

Anyway, the major problems started happening at the mid-end of 7th grade. Fabio's friendship with Joey started falling apart while mine stood strong and solid. We were at our lunch table. Fabio got up to go to the snack line in the corner of our giant cafeteria. I was enjoying lunch when Joey tapped me on the shoulder. I looked over at him. Listen to this, are you ready?

He told me Fabio flipped us double middle fingers.

WHAT. Ok, guys there are two important things you need to know about Fabio.
1.) He isn't a fan of cussing.
2.) He is very mature at these times.

Big flaws with your statement Joey Big flaws. But guess who was coming back to the table just in time to see me surprised at Joey.

Fabio asked what we were talking about. I told him.

Time froze for a split second. Fabio got up, pointed a finger at him and screamed "YOU'RE A LIER" right in his face.

F. U. C. K.

They split up for a few days. However, Joey was persistent with the apology notes and emails to Fabio and Fabio calmed down.

Now, that takes us to our band field trip to an orchestra performance and a dinner at an overpriced bistro. This isn't that bad, but it adds more weight to the story.

First off, Joey begged us to come on his father's group. Second, Joey was pretty annoying on the bus. He's a gun lover, so he brought his iTouch with his stupid collection of guns app so all I hear throughtout the bus ride is BANG BANG BANG or him singing vocal jazz, which of course is the only kind of jazz I don't favor.

Second, his father expects us to follow his rules. For instance, no electronics at the table at all times. ._. That's old schopl right there. It's a BAND TRIP for stuff's sake.

Third, he hogged my Kindle Fire. I showed him Where's My Water? and a cool pool game I have and of course he got obsessed with the games and drained my battery.

Now we go to this summer.

Early Summer.

He invited Fabio and I to an ice cream shop. His dad drove us in his Mustang car. Lemme tell you something, Joey is also obsessed with cars. He has to tell us every detail. Like not just a Ford Mustang, a Ford Mustang Whatever with a 12 cylinder engine, 650 horsepower and leather seats and then some more info. -_-

However listen to this. When we got on the street which Joey's house is on, Joey asked if he can drive us to his house. You can imagine the facial expressions Fabio and I both shared to each other. Get this: Joey's father was so sick of Joey's behavior on the trip he said yes to get him to shut up.

Both Fabio's mother and my mother were fuming when they heard a 12 year old unlicensed boy drove two also 12 year old boys on an actual ROAD.

Next, we have my town's carnival.

Basically at the beginning, our parents insured that Joey, Fabio and I would stick together. Joey borrowed a good amount of money from me. I was fine at the time but afterwards I wasn't thrilled. So, later Fabio's knee started acting up so he went to the baseball field where his family was which was down the hill to watch the baseball game his little brother was playing in. So, then Joey wanted me to go on rides that really scarred me, so I said no countless times. Did I mentoin Joey doesn't know when enough is enough? Joey got so ticked off, he said "Screw you" to me and left. At the time I didn't know where he went, but later I knew he went down to Fabio. Ok, now see I'm a nice guy, right guys? Well, occasionally I have the tendency to be overly nice. When my family found me, I protected Joey and said I lost him. Luckily, we found him at the baseball field. Later, I learned that Joey told Fabio I was a jerk in such a way that Fabio almost believed. But when I came over, Joey became nervous because he knew I could rat his ass out.

That brings us to my birthday party also in the summer. Dear Lord, that was a disaster.

Joey came on out of his house with a box with zebra wrapping and a shiny red bow when I showed up to pick him up.

Joey got in the car with 3 of my other friends. He would get mad and scream when he was interrupted, he would cuff his hands over his face when he got frustrated and he would say every detail in the known universe about the cars his family owns or knows about on the way to a Buffalo Wild Wings where my birthday party was happening.

At the restaurant, things got intense with Joey and one of my other friends Marc. Joey was jokingly trying to squirt ketchup on Marc's hand. They got into a little sissy fight/struggle but sure enough, in a matter of minutes there was a pile of ketchup on Marc's arm. In fact, later in the party, Joey threatened to ask my parents to drive him home. You just don't do that.

Then it was time to open my gifts.

The inside of Joey's wrapping paper was a children's themed jungle. He told me that's all he had. He had given me a Harley Davidson t-shirt, ironically cars and motorcycles are up his alley.

I thanked him. What else could I do? I remember however he gave the same thing to my band director. :s

This part will be quick. One day at the end of my summer he came over to Fabio's house when I was there (Fabio is also my nextdoor neighbor). We got in the pool and as a joke, Joey took Fabio's little brother Marco underwater and held him there. Fabio was mortified. Finally he let Marco go, and Fabio walked away with his brother.

Also, another day over summer, Joey stalked Fabio's house for 45 minutes. Fabio's parents were not home so he couldn't come out, yet Joey kept driving up and down the street on his ATV, looking throught the windows of Fabio's house. Hell, he even stood at his front door for a solid 5 minutes. That freaked us out. That's when our friendship started dying fast.

This is also the point where Fabio and I were starting to think if Joey has been manipulating us.

Beginning of 8th grade.

He started getting really annoying now.

Yesterday, we tried to break up our friendship slowly, but Joey quickly understood what was going on. He screamed in our faces, slammed his chair into our table and stormed to another table. We thought he was crying, but again probably trying to manipulate us. When I went to his table to talk to him, he screamed at me to go away.

But at the end of the day, Fabio worked things out and things started to look better. Not for long.

It started to get really embarrassing to be friends with him today.

In gym class, kids were bugging him from behind. I gave them a look but 5 minutes after, I should have predicted what happened because all of a sudden...


That completely took me off guard, I was sitting right next to him. I scared me so much. All the students turned around to see what was going on, even the teachers stopped talking to see what happened.

Joey yelled at them some more and used the word crap in front of everybody.

No. You may think it's not that bad, but in front of teachers in middle school, big no. Uh-uh.

Later in the locker room he told me he told me he wanted to expose them to everyone when I gently questioned his actions.


And finally, the last straw.

Fabio got called to the principal's office because of Joey. The ass ratted him out after making up. Luckily, Fabio's mother knows our principal very well. Our principal is very nice and once Fabio explained the situation and told her everything, she sided with us immediately. She wants us to stay with Joey at lunch until she is able to move him but if he starts one more argument, he's removed right away.

Both Fabio and I are tired of Joey's behavior. He is a terrible friend and a mastermind manipulator.

So Blockland forums, any advive?

Tl;dr: No. Read or leave.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2012, 11:51:14 PM by ScratchTehEPICSpaceDude »

Lol. Omg he said crap iilnfront of a teacher #thuglife

so wait his father just let him drive two blocks in a mustang?

wtf kind of parenting is that

so wait his father just let him drive two blocks in a mustang?

wtf kind of parenting is that
Two blocks?

I'm really sorry op but I'm not sure I can take this thread seriously after finding out that your best friend's name is "Fabio"

On the first day of 6th grade in math, Joey was in my class. We were going over our Summer Packet. I admit, I got a stupid answer and when she called on me, I gave the answer. It was about the length of the floor to the doorknob or something stupid like that.

Joey gave a giggle.

I was a little embarassed I must admit.
You've got to be kidding me.

I'm really sorry op but I'm not sure I can take this thread seriously after finding out that your best friend's name is "Fabio"
Well, that's his real name. I'm serious.
You've got to be kidding me.
I gave a pretty stupid answer, but I didn't need Joey to giggle at me.

Is Fabio as fabulous as he sounds?

Isn't Joey the kid who lied to you about the car?

didn't see anything wrong before town carnival

except driving

Is Fabio as fabulous as he sounds?

Isn't Joey the kid who lied to you about the car?
Fabio is a great friend.

Yes I'm assuming Joey's family's car left in a shop for 41/2 years is bull stuff.
Ditch joey.
Fabio and I would love to but until the principal finds other friends or he fights, we have to foster him.

didn't see anything wrong before town carnival

except driving
That was just to add weight and detail to the story.

Oh btw, 9765 characters. Take that bitchez.