Author Topic: Of any people, why does it have to be me?  (Read 9442 times)

Toll Daddy: Hey son, come over here.

[Scene 1]: A Cliff

Son: Okay.

Troll Daddy pushes him off the cliff.

Son: I-see-wut-you-did-thar!

That was just awful.

That was just awful.
Still, no refunds.

Don't be a troll daddy :(

Toll Daddy: Hey son, come over here.

[Scene 1]: A Cliff

Son: Okay.

Troll Daddy pushes him off the cliff.

Son: I-see-wut-you-did-thar!

That would be un-funny.

EDIT: Guys, by "troll dad", I meant joking around a lot. My dad doesn't have a sense of humor.

Toll Daddy: Hey son, come over here.

[Scene 1]: A Cliff

Son: Okay.

Troll Daddy pushes him off the cliff.



What a coincedance considering, I was looking at this exact same condition on the wikipedia on friday.

My dad's bumper sticker says that.
i want that bumper sticker

i want that bumper sticker

what the forget is with you and bumping topics


dude really
oh what i didn't know this topic was old i got it off of a drama topic i was afraid of this

oh what i didn't know this topic was old i got it off of a drama topic i was afraid of this

check the dates next time

oh what i didn't know this topic was old i got it off of a drama topic i was afraid of this
get You're banned.

Was the testie saved?

Goddammit stop bumping this.

Yes, it was fine.

Goddammit stop bumping this.

Yes, it was fine.

You could lock it.