
Religious beliefs?

68 (36.2%)
33 (17.6%)
5 (2.7%)
0 (0%)
1 (0.5%)
2 (1.1%)
2 (1.1%)
Rastafari movement
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
1 (0.5%)
17 (9%)
9 (4.8%)
Orthodox Christian
11 (5.9%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
African religion (Too many to list)
1 (0.5%)
Native-American religion (Too many to list)
0 (0%)
Hellenistic (Mithraic, Gallo-Roman, ect)
0 (0%)
5 (2.7%)
19 (10.1%)
2 (1.1%)
0 (0%)
Evangelical Christianity
9 (4.8%)
Episcopal Christian
2 (1.1%)
1 (0.5%)

Total Members Voted: 188

Author Topic: Religion Poll  (Read 5570 times)

Added poll, please let me know if I missed something.

wow that is a lot of words

What to vote when I don't care a stuff about this religion crap that the world fell into?

What to vote when I don't care a stuff about this religion crap that the world fell into?

Also, on this forum you could easily get more than 20 replies, even more if you made a poll. Take advantage of this to get better results.

I would think that areligion and agnosticism would be about the same, but agnosticism is more like a polite "I'm not religious" and areligion might be something more like "I think religion is stupid and see no reason for it to exist."
a- means without so:
areligion = without religion
atheist = without god(s)
I think that thinking something is stupid and seeing no reason for it to exist would better fit the prefix anti-
And then agnosticism is just the idea that the existence of god(s) can not be (dis)proven

Added poll, please let me know if I missed something.
Honestly I think a lot of those could be combined into one. Like a lot of polls I see will say "Atheist/agnostic" instead of having seperate options
Also I'd add an "Other" option


Honestly I think a lot of those could be combined into one. Like a lot of polls I see will say "Atheist/agnostic" instead of having seperate options
Athiesm is the belief lack of belief in no gods/goddesses, Agnostic is pretty much an "I don't involve myself in that", and Areligion is the belief in no religion. I guess the three are close, but they have their differences.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2012, 05:21:00 PM by Name is Unavailable »

Athiesm is the belief in no gods/goddesses

It's not a belief, it's a lack of a belief.

oh god should i vote catholic or protestant?
Neither, check poll.
Other works.

Born and raised as a protestant christian of the Church of England, but have chosen atheism for myself.

Athiesm is the belief in no gods/goddesses
no belief is gods/goddesses*
It's a subtle difference in wording, but a great different in meaning; the difference is that the former is an assertion, while the latter is just "yeah I don't believe that"

I guess the three are close, but they have their differences.
Again, if you look at the literal definition of the words atheism and areligion, they mean "without god" and "without religion" and other than the example I came up with earlier, I can't think of any different between the two, but so far no one who considers themselves areligious has clarified it for me.
Agnosticism, however, is something entirely different. It's the idea that the existance of a god can't be proven/disproven. I don't know, I guess I just find it somewhat annoying when I ask someone "Do you believe in god?" and they reply "You can't prove or disprove the existance of a god." Yeah, you're right, but thanks for not answering my question.

oh god should i vote catholic or protestant?
Damn, it's like the poll is too general and too specific at the same time. As in, I'd imagine it'd be easy for you to choose if he added your option, or combined all of Christianity into one. I wouldn't really advise either, though, the latter is too broad, and the former would eventually create a really huge list.