
Chicken Stu?

2 (5.4%)
6 (16.2%)
19 (51.4%)
10 (27%)

Total Members Voted: 37

Author Topic: Threat Enclosure - Within a Quarantine  (Read 47713 times)

You have accepted every single application people have sent in, regardless of its quality. Even having applications is bad.
You don't have a system for accepting these or whatever, so it's basically Joffrey, Capt'n or you who accepts them without consulting the others.
Your title shows what you're trying to make this like and you've barely even started on it.
Not to mention the fact that you considered using buildings from other builds.

I'm not very optimistic about this either, to be honest.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2012, 04:38:40 PM by Electrk »

Buildings from other builds? what? D:
We've been talking to each other about the applications, too.

The accepted applications aren't permanent. I haven't tested out any of these people's skills. I'll take a look, then remove people if necessary.

You have accepted every single application people have sent in, regardless of its quality. Even having applications is bad.
You don't have a system for accepting these or whatever, so it's basically Joffrey, Capt'n or you who accepts them without consulting the others.
Your title shows what you're trying to make this like and you've barely even started on it.
Not to mention the fact that you considered using buildings from other builds.

I'm not very optimistic about this either, to be honest.
My application was never accepted though I can do multiple things, including some scripting.
So you're wrong. Nobody even told me if my application was rejected or accepted.
Also, maybe kqgqn was just trying to see how many people would want to join.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2012, 04:46:21 PM by hammereditor² »

Kq, would you object to build donations? Wehr offered to donate a few very tall builds, perfect for what we need, and beautiful. Also I did ask Sylvanor for a few builds from Seattle, but he did not think you would let us use some of his build.

You... just explained the exact opposite of what I'm aiming for. No, there will be no apaches flying over shooting mutalids. I've already stated that the military doesn't exist in New York. I've roleplayed many times before and it did not include running and gunning and certainly no attention whoring. Please do not look at me in that way, it hurts me. What you described everything I am aiming away from. If someone was being ripped up by a mutalid my character wouldn't charge into the mess and risk his life. You've honestly gotten wedged into a crack and refuse to come out of it. Don't judge us for what we haven't done yet, please.

Plus the accepted applications aren't permanent. I haven't tested out any of these people's skills. I'll take a look, then remove people if necessary.
Regardless, it's not just you. It's going to be your player base as well.

Even then, I never heard one peep from you about where you thought the quality was going, nor did I see you take any steps to fix it.
My application was never accepted though I can do multiple things, including some scripting.
So you're wrong.
Also, maybe kqgqn was just trying to see how many people would want to join.
This is a throw away reply on your part - if Kqgqn wanted to see this he would've asked for that specifically as opposed to applications.

Once this topic reaches 20 pages, I will be forced to reiterate my application.

i'd be happy to contribute some .ogg files if you would like to use them

Ook, so the next song is slow and solemn?

I'll have to compose it later.

You... just explained the exact opposite of what I'm aiming for. No, there will be no apaches flying over shooting mutalids. I've already stated that the military doesn't exist in New York. I've roleplayed many times before and it did not include running and gunning and certainly no attention whoring. Please do not look at me in that way, it hurts me. What you described everything I am aiming away from. If someone was being ripped up by a mutalid my character wouldn't charge into the mess and risk his life. You've honestly gotten wedged into a crack and refuse to come out of it. Don't judge us for what we haven't done yet, please.
you just took the specific examples and turned them completely around.

kaph is right.

I'm starting to think if this will ever be finished.

I have nothing to say anymore :/

Nah, forget it I'll still contribute.

But PLEASE change it to Music Composer not Sound Contributor.

Good luck, I guess.

----Build contributors----
Swat 317540
Isaac Fox27967
----Sound contributors----
----Graphical contributors----
----Script contributors----

pacnet is a stuffty coder btw
well not stuffty he's good
but he's not a pro yet

he's a good new coder

.... i don't like him :/ but thats a personal thing
w/e this is your project and you need a coder

Personally, I don't like my title to be sound contributer.

At the least just replace sound with music but I would perfer Music Composer