Author Topic: Someone crashed a motorcycle in front of a neighbor's house.  (Read 1061 times)

I was going outside to help carry in some groceries, when suddenly I see, 3 houses away, some ambulances, 2 firetrucks and a few cops. Apparently, some guy crashed his motorcycle (presumably dodging a car or just plain lost control) into a post outside of a neighbor's house. My mom told me that he had a big gash on his head, and was leaning against the now bent post (which is what led to the belief that he crashed into the post). I had gotten out just in time to see paramedics carrying him into an ambulance on a stretcher. I would have taken a picture, but I didn't have my phone on me and I was too lazy to go get it.

see, this is why you fly out of vehicles or completely stop when you hit posts in games. they're loving invincluble

This is kind of similar to what happened in my grandma's neighborhood. Except it was a 5-ton trucks doing a triple barrel roll.

This is kind of similar to what happened in my grandma's neighborhood. Except it was a 5-ton trucks doing a triple barrel roll.
Oh wow, that's scary.
Anyway; Hope the guy is ok, though he could have been going really fast and swerved and couldn't keep control, or he could have been drunk.

This is kind of similar to what happened in my grandma's neighborhood. Except it was a 5-ton trucks doing a triple barrel roll.


When coming to VT today I saw a crashed motor cycle on a highway it looked pretty bad.

When coming to VT today I saw a crashed motor cycle on a highway it looked pretty bad.

eewwww VT

my house got hit by a truck recently.

and sadly specever didn't die or even get injured

This is kind of similar to what happened in my grandma's neighborhood. Except it was a 5-ton trucks doing a triple barrel roll.
bee bee
first of all what would a semitruck be doing in your grandmother's neighborhood
but more importantly, a semitruck will not be able to do one barrel roll, much less three, without having a very high speed and a really strong and large ramp

What's wrong with VT?
You live alarmingly near me

VT is nice though.