
Is airship done? http://forum.blockland.us/index.php?topic=208425.45

gay stuff trollololol
its ok
best stuff in the world i fap to this stuff WOO HOOO #obama2012

Author Topic: Communist's Command & Conquer Vehicles. - New Poll + Turret pics!  (Read 5784 times)


WTF is that
Can you plz give a pic of it mounted to something because it makes absolutely 0 sense without context

WTF is that
Can you plz give a pic of it mounted to something because it makes absolutely 0 sense without context
Are you challenged in basic English skills?

New pwetty pictures.

I'd say 60% done with model.

Is it gonna drop handicappedly op bombs?  :cookieMonster:
on a more serious note, is it gonna have more turret mounts?

Is it gonna drop handicappedly op bombs?  :cookieMonster:
on a more serious note, is it gonna have more turret mounts?

any DM that uses this is going to have to be really huge lol.

any DM that uses this is going to have to be really huge lol.

I was thinking something like the Death Race, only it would have blimps olollolol

Hot. Maybe it could have a few more slots for players to parachute out of it or something like that, just an idea

Hot. Maybe it could have a few more slots for players to parachute out of it or something like that, just an idea

Due to your request, the ship can now accommodate 16 extra passengers.

I can see someone making a TDM gamemode where the objective is to kill the enemy teams blimp.

kiwibear, do you think there is anything else I should add? Or should I continue to finishing it up and scripting it?

Seems like its pretty much done to me