Author Topic: THC "lmfao"  (Read 3790 times)

This guy is really mad. So this guy... THC. Hosts a Sniper TDM. I join thinking i can get a few sniper shots for fun and once he says this when i respawn.....    I left on my own right after he said that, and he gets mad.

I say he is overreacting and he kicks me. I join back on, so then he goes ahead and mutes me......

So i deal with it for a bit, one guy sticks up for me and asks why i was muted. But he goes and mutes him as well, trying to hide the fact that he muted me. But then he decides its fun to teleport to the top of the map and shoot the rest of us while teleporting his teammates up there as well. That was the final straw for me.

He eventually bans me for the reason of Vulgular Language....

Seriously this guy is a handicap.

The guy who "stuck up for you" joined after you were muted and asked why you were muted, leading me to believe that you purposefully asked a friend to talk for you, a childish move. You were kicked because he didn't want to deal with you, his muting you after your rejoining was his way of allowing you to stay without having to deal with your stuff. You called him a handicap after you misspelled a word that you were just looking at. Last time I checked, being a handicap means that you have a hereditary mental deficiency, HTC was closer to being a richard, and even then I still think you aren't showing us all of the information that we need to make an accurate decision as to who is in the wrong. I think you're the only handicap in this situation.

The guy who "stuck up for you" joined after you were muted and asked why you were muted, leading me to believe that you purposefully asked a friend to talk for you, a childish move. You were kicked because he didn't want to deal with you, his muting you after your rejoining was his way of allowing you to stay without having to deal with your stuff.

Yes i did, but i didnt ask him to join so he could talk for me, he joined on his own... i told him i was muted, i didnt ask him to talk for me....
And im also not sure what you mean by my stuff. He told me to follow him right when i went out of the room and got shot..... and you dont think that is in the least bit ridiculous? He didnt mute me after i rejoined either, he muted me then kicked me.... Perhaps read the topic more carefully.

I think you aren't showing us all of the information that we need to make an accurate decision as to who is in the wrong.

This guys always been a douchebag. Back when Yorktown's was up he would go on huge kill sprees mostly stalk the mines and forests, Then start bragging how he smokes weed everyday.


He didnt mute me after i rejoined either, he muted me then kicked me.... Perhaps read the topic more carefully.

Yeah alright thanks for that advice but no:

I say he is overreacting and he kicks me. I join back on, so then he goes ahead and mutes me......

In case that wasn't clear:

He kicks me. I join back, then he mutes me.

THC has a very large fascination with drugs, Coincedentally hes usually with kilsers and  normal hes either flashing how he takes up drugs or banning anyone who says anything about how some drugs aren't safe.

Wow, He seems like a real ass. Especially at the part where he would teleport himself and his loving teammates to the top of the map and make everyone suffer.

Thc is a non forget giving guy.
So uh, even though you posted this its not gonna move him a bit.

Thc is a non forget giving guy.
So uh, even though you posted this its not gonna move him a bit.

Of course Kilser defends THC
kidding kilser ur cool

Of course Kilser defends THC
kidding kilser ur cool
thc must be kilser's drug supplier :cookieMonster:

Wow that guy looks like a total jerk. He has an anger fit and mutes you, kicks you then bans you all because he's having a temper tantrum. I'll be sure to stay away from his server.

Also lol at the ban reason. He's such a hypocrite.

thc must be kilser's drug supplier :cookieMonster:

Wow that guy looks like a total jerk. He has an anger fit and mutes you, kicks you then bans you all because he's having a temper tantrum. I'll be sure to stay away from his server.

Also lol at the ban reason. He's such a hypocrite.
-.- Do you know what THC is?

THC and kilser are growing tomatoes

i have an order of these tomatoes and they shall be delicious