Author Topic: The tournament has started! Shutting down for today, will do fights by invite.  (Read 9279 times)

The tournament has started! It will probably take a while as I need to get 25 pairs into the server for the first round alone. Type "/pair" to see who you're against.

So I was talking with someone last night and got the idea to host a tourament to try and find the best fighter on Blockland. There will be five maps. And each map will run for a few days, in which time, each contestant will battle their assigned opponant. Once the entry period is over, the potential fighters will be paired up. And each pair will fight on the first map. Then each pair will go on to the second, and so forth. Whoever wins the most of the 5 matches will be the winner of the pair. Once the winners for that round have been selected, they will be paired up once again, and will cycle though the next five maps.

I've created a script which let's me take any two people in my server and put them in the arena with weapons while the others can watch or pratice fighting above. There's no time limit or anything, and only two people will be actually fighting at any given time. But for the observers there is a pratice room.

The first of five maps is a rocky Archipelago floating in lava.
Contestants will be given a bow with five arrows, and a knife for fighting in this map.

The terrain:

With the above part started:

The other four maps and their item loadouts will be revieled after the first round of competition.

I still have to confirm this but between be and others I think the prize is gonna be at least 50 dollars and admin on the server. In fact, I suppose I could accept donations to make the winning pot even bigger, but of course you'd have to trust me with your money. That'll probably be in blockland keys, steam games, or I suppose I could even buy kalph's hosting for the winner, or any combonation thereof. That or I could just figure out paypal. Or bitcoins. Really it's the winners choice.

So yeah, assuming I get a decent number of contestants (definitly want at least a few dozen to make this worth while), I'm thinking the entry phase will end next sunday evening. (23.09.2012 20:00) To enter just post that you want to enter with your BL_ID below. The password for the server, if there is one, will be "asdf". Feel free to enter but don't expect anything before the tournament starts.

« Last Edit: September 29, 2012, 08:16:09 PM by DrenDran »

This is a wonderful idea and sounds fun, I hope to get to the chance to try this out if its hosted.

why not spears?

real men fight with spears.

electrk would know.

Maximus will win. But could be neat to watch anyways.

why not spears?

real men fight with spears.

electrk would know.
Each map will have differnet items.
One will be a city with actual guns, one will be in the clouds with jetpacks and rocket launchers, and so on.

Maximus will win. But could be neat to watch anyways.

Not anymore since his key was revoked.

Not anymore since his key was revoked.
tell them. we should always fight with spears and make entire deathmatch designs break things awesome.

tell them. we should always fight with spears and make entire deathmatch designs break things awesome.

Hm, I wonder what you're referring to...
« Last Edit: September 15, 2012, 10:45:12 PM by Electrk »

Hopefully there will be good classic weapons like Kaje's Sniper Rifle.

I would like to enter the tournament.
In-game name: Blok
ID: 5821

I would like to enter.

In game name:  SirLancelot
ID: 3824


IGN: Polywater
ID: 12618

also we're all screwed if carly enters

can people join just to watch the show?

I'll enter as well.

In game name: GR8DAYSETH
ID: 25205

Hopefully I'll remember. :P

IGN: Zaxx
BL_ID: 14000

Hope I can remember c: