Author Topic: How well-known is the above user?  (Read 31112 times)


NEVER seen you around

fak u I would've gave u a 7 :(. Lol I'm joking, but I just started foruming again after some time.

@Isaac- 6/10

1/10 I dunno who you are

Quite a lot.
I'm everywhere at all times.
Who doesn't know me?


1/10 I dunno who you are

Dafk alyx how you give him a 9.

Anyways, 10/10 because everyone knows who alyx vance is, not that that's a good or bad thing hue.

somewhere from 6-8, can't decide


I feel like I should know you, but I don't.


I feel like I should know you, but I don't.
0/10. Never seen this man before in my life.
Urgh, you posted too quickly. 7/10 for you.
Hate you people. 4/10

i don't see you that much anymore, 7/10 i guess