Author Topic: Steam keeps crashing when i am playing/installing something  (Read 308 times)

So if i am playing TF2 steam will randomly crash and take my items with it and after a while VaC will boot me off for not being connected.

This problem has been going on for a while now and when i got Borderlands 2 almost finished activating its key it crashs and now my key wont work either. :c

Anyone got a fix for this?

Create a web comic, become massively famous over the course of ten years, then tell STEAM that they should fix their stuff or you'll tell your fans to stop using their software.

...oh, you mean a short-term way of fixing it.

I fixed the borderlands problem but not the crashing.

Create a web comic, become massively famous over the course of ten years, then tell STEAM that they should fix their stuff or you'll tell your fans to stop using their software.

...oh, you mean a short-term way of fixing it.
This is genius.