Author Topic: China complains about quality of US soybean exports  (Read 6068 times)

My grandparents (who live in England) (I am british) always hear news about Iraq war and America that we don't even hear here in America.

Censorship = bad.

If you screwed up atleast tell us...then we can kick you out of office and get schwarzneagger in! ( I know we can't but it would rock).
BBC tells us whatever the newspapers can't. The English media is great.

Well, it's not censorship, in the full sense.

It's just focusing on the negative aspects of the War, because bad publicity = more money for the media to report on.

media = biased on everything

Well, it's not censorship, in the full sense.

It's just focusing on the negative aspects of the War, because bad publicity = more money for the media to report on.

media = biased on everything

Well...I don't think thats what we meant.

I meant that here in America, news about foreign countries (especially about wars that are our buisness) is somewhat regulated. Its not the media itself thats responsible (since it always trys to get a new angle on anything, good or bad as long as its a story) but more the government.

I'm not a conspiracy nut but I know for a fact that alot more is said about Iraq and other countries on UK television and newspapers than is in their American counterparts.

Because MSNBC fails so hard, and so often.

The point wasn't at the deaths, it was how MSNBC is so quick to throw any and all crap into the news.

Yeah, thats what I was laughing about. Also, the people didn't die, they were injured by a scaffolding collapse. At first, I thought they were talking about the random scaffolding that appears everywhere in New York City, even on buildings that aren't being repaired. I think the city does it to keep people from getting wet on sidewalks when it rains, but I could be mistaken. There is no way that all those buildings are being painted. Anyway, I was laughing at inconsistencies in the MSNBC reports.

I remember when they found Saddam hiding in a 'spider hole'.

MSNBC made a recreation of the 'spider hole', in case people forgot what a hole with a board over it looks like.

Then Jon Stewart made fun of them : D

Americans are so quick to blame china for their problems yet it is their own fault on 2 levels.

First level : Capitalism. 

America is one of the strongest countries that believes in capitalism (AKA democracy). Capatilism is all about competition and one guy winning and the other losing. USA only started complaining when they were losing.

Second level : Expectations

American public expects to be paid a huge amount of money for doing very little (typing stuff into computers, selling stocks, ect) and all expect to have huge homes, large families and lots of material possesions. If Americans could accept that they don't deserve all that stuff (money, materials, ect) then American products could be cheaper or competitive with Chinese products.

Quality and safety has always been a boundary between American products and Chinese products, however this division is quickly closing as Chinese factories gain better skills and increase quality. This of course can all be read in the latest Popular Science since they did an article on it.

Vast majority of American citizens think that paying taxes and not killing anyone makes a model citizen, makes them worth all the stuff they recieve. The true model citizens are the labourers. The mexicans who mow lawns or build buildings. The janitors at school. Even farmers.

As for the safety of chinese products...those paints in the toys that they are worrying reported cases of injury. Soy beans? ugh...could care less.

So its our fault china put melamine in food and lead in paint?? i guess Indirectly its our fault. but if there our allies we should trust them right?

No, its not our fault that chinese products are potentially dangerous.

Whats dangerous is that we are living on borrowed money. I only hope we all don't die when China decides to do some debt collection.

If China collapsed the American economy, they wouldn't have a big enough market to sell all of their stuff to. They would have to scale back their industrial developments, their entire industrial revolution pretty much used the demand for cheap goods in America as a springboard. In fact, 21% of their exports are sent to America. You'd probably notice some major problems if a quarter of your income suddenly disappeared.

Who said the market would be destroyed....I meant if America had to give up large chunks of political power to chinese officials in turn changing the political basis for American society.

Basically...what if our losses ammounted to the overthrow of the US government?

China purchased American bonds. At least, that is what I think you were talking about. When China cashes the bonds in, the government pays them back in money, not political power.

I was talking more on a hypothetical level.

Just for fun so to speak....

More like, you had no idea what Wedge was trying to explain.

More like, you had no idea what Wedge was trying to explain.

Your not even a part of this conversation. GTFO.

And yes, I did know what wedge was talking about.

Yeah but geo-politics guru you are not.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2007, 01:32:04 AM by Ronin »