Author Topic: Dentists  (Read 1030 times)

It seems that some people here don't go to a dentist because it's far away or expensive, even if there's a gaping black hole in their teeth
Jesus Christ, you can get a heart attack or other really bad conditions!
Discuss dentists

I hate it when they put that thing in your cheek and it hurts like hell

I hate it when they put that thing in your cheek and it hurts like hell
Which thing?

This X-ray thing
Dude, that doesn't hurt at all.

And funny how we're talking about dentists when I just went to one yesterday.

I hats when they give you a shot in your mouth to make it numb. Feels like they try to get the needle out the other side.

I hats when they give you a shot in your mouth to make it numb. Feels like they try to get the needle out the other side.

I get numb like right away.

My last fluoride treatment was at the previous appointment, forget yes.

loving hate fluoride.

i always like going to the dentist. knowing they'll fix me up and keep my teeth from screaming "medic!" all the time. haha

i now brush my teeth twice a day (morning and night), and i also scrub my tongue (tongue scrubber pulls plaque and bacteria off the tongue, really helps improve breath), brush my tongue (using some toothpaste to kill more bacteria and freshen breath), then floss to finish off. so yeah i get that sparkling white smile now!

just take care of your teeth kids, that way you dont have to keep getting all sorts of scary needles and stuff put in your mouth by the dentist!
« Last Edit: September 23, 2012, 09:29:51 AM by Planr »

I brush my teeth 3 times a day. I even floss at the end of the day. They always break out the loving scraping thing:

I fantasize about biting their loving fingers off. I want to take the loving scraper and gouge their eyes out. I want every one of these forgeters to die

Over 40% of Americans have never been to a dentist. B)

My dentist is really cool, he's also my neighbor

I have really nice teeth, so my mom only takes me to check on stuff.

I've never been to a dentist, every time my mom gets insurance she gets laid off of her job for some reason, and that loses us a ton of money

so I've never been there