Author Topic: Idiotic staff impersonator  (Read 2665 times)

Well so i found this idiot his name is badspot and he has been saying he is the creator of blockland which is a lie his account;u=2 well he is just such a idiot and they should really get his key revoked

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« Last Edit: September 23, 2012, 10:45:40 PM by Badspot »

Yeah that guy is so stupid, who does he think he is, the maker of Blockland or something?

Everyone who posts below this line is awful and shouldn't be replying.

you're below your own line!! !

everyone above this line lied

the person above me didnt lie

he's trolling. move on and ignore.

yeah you are
Oh Dear Lord, I'm so offended!

Self Delete by stab

im not trolling
i refuse to believe you're serious about this.