Author Topic: Lub (and Ephialtes) - Kalphiter's service is stuff, use my "service"!  (Read 12537 times)

Yes, I know there's already a drama on Lub.

Seriously, will you two fanboys quit it? Lub, you're testing your service. Congratulations, SO SHUT THE forget UP. You have no service to offer yet. Jeez, just make a goddamn development thread if it's real and stop bothering and harassing Kalphiter. There isn't a speck of evidence the you are actually doing it though. Pictures, perhaps? And Ephialtes, you are autistic for overusing that word. You're not taking your job seriously. Stop ganging up with Lub just to promote his possibly fictional service that hasn't launched yet.

Here's some evidence from their latest dispute:
Depends on the spec of the server and the quality of the datacenter and network. For example, if you used the provider Kalphiter uses, you get a low quality datacenter on second rate hardware, hooked up to a slow, poorly connected network and you'd pay like $99 a month for that. The same hardware in a good quality datacenter would set you back something like $300 a month.
Or, you just pay too much for your stuff like Rub.
i knew you'd find some way to insult the service lol
The only way he can make it seem better is if he makes up stuff about my host.

also you called the 'better hardware' 'second-rate'

not sure that was intentional or not...
If you don't understand the issues with cheap providers this is your opinion. If you need rock solid availability (Kalph's server has had consistent monthly downtime since he started out), you can't go for a cheap provider. In the real world, the difference between 99.5% uptime and 100% uptime is important, expensive and worth paying for.

@Lug take your pick.
and where does kalphiter get his servers from?

i wish to make my own comparisons, instead of taking it from a guy who i really don't trust.

i would say "don't take it personally" except that was kinda personal so yeah link please
Looks like you entirely missed the point of what Rub was saying ... atleast I think you did - I stopped reading at the part where you confessed you know forget all about what you're talking about (I've gotta admit, I have had my suspicions!!)
You two are compatible in the fact that you deal with this overpriced stuff. (Linode)
Hey Ephi, how's your fanboy's hosting service?
Probably better to ask him, Lub doesn't seem very happy to talk about it :cookieMonster:
Yeah, he's probably too busy preparing his service for the end of the month- oh wait.

>September 23

Better hurry up Lub! :cookieMonster:
I find it hilarious how you blindly defend your budget provider, calling all others overpriced when your lack of understanding about the industry is so overtly evident.

Take for example, last time I asked you to provide a better, cheaper, Linode alternative, you came back with a provider running OpenVZ and failed to understand the advantages of providers running Xen hypervizors, and admitted you had no idea what the difference was.

You also claim your provider has no problems, stating that paying more for better quality support and connectivity is pointless, then you sit there on WHT, speculating with other unhappy customers about the cause and timing of network packet loss, just because the poor support from your provider is unable to acknowledge, fix or provide help with this serious issue.

If you used a proper provider, if this problem happened, it would be acknowledged, fixed and explained before you even noticed it. That level of support is what you pay for.

Your complete ignorance not only puts you in no position to comment on the value of different providers but also repeatedly makes you look like a total fool. I know you think renting 1 cheap dedicated server puts you in a position to talk but it really does not. You'll get there one day baby, but the first step is admitting you have no idea what you're talking about and I doubt your autism will allow that.
You make some good points, but does it not boil down to how the consumer feels about the product?
Kalphiter has 23 paying, happy customers. Besides, none of them give a stuff about 4am packet loss, they aren't online, and none of their players are either.

Conclusion: fancy stuff is irrelevant.

Don't get me wrong, there are better hosts out there, but for now, for this service, it doesn't matter.
Again you fail to identify the point of my post. Please, give up.
Since you refuse to enlighten me with your divine wisdom, i must conclude that you do not care about me knowing the point of your post. Therefore, you are contradicting yourself.

o wise sage lub, enlighten me!!!!1
You're right, I don't care about you knowing the point of my post. I was addressing Kalphiter, not you.
Then you can stop calling me a handicap.
Or you could stop thinking you know what you're talking about and sit the forget down.
He is flying, he can't.
Where did I say I knew what I was talking about? I recall repeatedly downtrodding my own intelligence in that essay of a post on the previous page (or was it the page before?)

In fact, your associate (partner?) Ephialties made it quite clear that I said I was stupid. You really should compare notes better, you're slipping!I must contact Electrk about editing a flying broom in my avatars legs.
Good because it was full of stuff, just like the majority of your replies to me.
They're happy because they live in a land of blissful ignorance where their only option for a dedicated host happens to be a really bad one. They'll be less happy when they see what Rub's hosting service has to offer I think.
Lub and Ephialtes are clearly just here to be obnoxious. There is nothing constructive or helpful about a continued stream of unpleasant messages. You guys need to let it go.

Based off Aludanes server, while there have been a few bumps and hiccups (and the odd questionable action by Kalphiter) the server has been consistently stable and decent. I'm sure Ephialtes likes to think his word is golden because he works in the web industry but its become extremely unreasonable now.

About as anti-competitive and strangled as RTB is.

Like Kalphiters hosting service, RTB does get complained about. Like Kalphiter, Ephialtes gets a bad wrap often. Like Kalphiters hosting service, RTB actually provides everything you need and want very well. Like Kalphiter, sometimes the creator of RTB can appear to be a massive unpleasant douche bag who doesn't help himself. But like Kalphiters hosting service, nobody minds because we get a good enough product.

You two are the same. You both offer a service that nobody else provides, and you both stick your nose into each others service and say its stuff.

Except RTB is a quality product, "Kaphost" IS stuff.
Oh my God, just stop with this. You have literally shown just how much you hate this product so much so that it has spawned over two 30 page topics, and it's time to stop. We, as consumers, reserve the right to use any product we find to satisfy our personal needs and lots of us find "Kaphost" to do so. You have shown just how bad you find this product and almost every user has seen it, and last time I checked, there has been no lose in consumers when you've spread your hate for this service in various discussions and topics. So, since everyone has seen you and Ephialtes's posts, you have no need to post in this topic anymore, as anyone who has taken heed to your posts will have changed hosts or bought a VPS.
Average Lub response.

I can't wait to see your hosting service!
Didn't he say that it would come this year?
This month.
See, I've heard this multiple times before. It's totally irresponsible for him to mess with anyone's servers - especially when they're paying. I've even heard rumors of him banning users from all servers he hosts over personal issues which is even more unreasonable lol.

bad rap

Kalphiter's service will be obsolete soon enough lol. For something people are actually paying for it sure is amateur hour up in here. Billing and contract renewal is being discussed in a public forum thread? Kalphiter's having to ask people to pay up by posting in this topic? People have to ask in a forum thread how long they have left until their server expires? I mean come on, all the people using this service have been tricked into thinking this is the best you can get. They're going to be in for a real shock when they see how comprehensive Lub's management system is.

I say his service is stuff because it is stuff. He says my service is stuff because he's autistic.
Well lets stick to facts and not rumors. Obviously Kalphiter isn't favorable with a lot of people and its foolish to take speculation over confirmed information.

Until Lub actually has a real, usable service, its just heresay. That simply isn't good enough. I sincerely hope Lub does get something up and running, maybe the competition will mean better deals for potential customers.

For the time being, Lub's hosting service is starting to look more like a private joke between you and him.

Can confirm my hosting service is definitely a joke, all this coding and research I've put into providers was just for fun, I never intend to release any of it.
You can hardly take that stance after some of the articles I've read on your various attempts at news sites haha

It's  not  a  joke,  I  don't  understand  why  people  think  it's  a  joke,  or  think  Lub  is  incapable  of  doing  it.  It  is  within  his  reach  and  I  do  not  understand  why you  would  doubt  it.
Well where is it then?

You can't compete with Kalph without another service, silly Ephi.
And here I was thinking you would front up to your unnecessary behavior towards Kalphiter, rather than make cheap jives. It was a fictitious blog, get over it.

I guess that is the best I can ask for from you, considering you've been constantly accusing Kalphiter of Autism as if that is suppose to change everything.

Only have your word for it. Until its there, I see no substance.

Just let the Kaphost thing go. Its unnecessary in every way.

Pretty sure Ephialtes is in his twenties, maybe its time for him to stop verbally harassing children online and be a bit more helpful.
It's in the final stages of development and testing. Why would I release something to the public without thorough and heavy usage testing? I'm not an amateur like Kalphiter.
Ok ok ok, so how about shut up. Seriously, it's out yet. You have nothing to discuss. Stop stuffting on Kalphiter, who has at least 2 years of hosting experience on you.
You say that as if it's a good thing! Look at how stuffty it all still looks after 2 years holy stuff.
Oh yeah, how's your service, oh wait I remembered once again,


You two go play somewhere else.
Simple answer:
Give us a picture of something
I don't see any of the problems you guys are having. My server was up for 2 weeks straight without a restart and had absolutely no problems at all. As long as my server is up, lag free, and my ping is less than 50 I'll continue to be happy with Kalphiter's service. So in this case, always.
However Ephi and Lub will not shut up and insult anyone/brag about Lub's service.
brag about what?  :cookieMonster:
Oh sorry, I forgot how stupid those fanboys really are. :cookieMonster:
Why is lub trying so hard to lose any respect anyone ever had for him?
Lol I was legit about to post "All my respect for Lub is down the drain, he's talking stuff when his service isn't even out. I don't see why he has to stuff on kalph when he's had 2 years of experience and 95% of his clients are happy."
Not sure why you're all so mad, nothing I've said to Kalphiter or about Kalphiter's service was unreasonable or incorrect, you're just all hurt because I'm saying things you don't understand about the only current hosting service.
No, you're picking out trivial things in order to try and wind up kalphiter.
I never said I was mad.
Trying to talk about something when you have a fundamental lack of understanding is far from trivial.
i lol'd at this

So you admit that you don't understand? Finally.
BRAVO. good show!
As if I would ever post about anything I don't understand lol, I work in this industry full time, don't patronise me kiddo!
Hey rub weres you're hosting service? I don't see any threads about your "superior" hosting service
Trying to speak english when you have a fundamental lack of understanding of it is far from trivial.
Independent or employed?
I don't know, but it's taken 3 months to test this "pretty-much done" service of yours :cookieMonster:

Honestly it can't take that long to test something, can it? People are doubting you for this reason.
And when was the last time I did that? How can I control people posting here and not using support?

When people post in this thread about billing, I almost always respond by PM.
The joys of being so good at your job you get swamped with freelance work, dw, you might get there one day.
Exactly, you'll be incapable of offering any kind of support with such little time!
Nah, plenty of time for support, got it all planned out dw.
I hope Lub doesn't treat Kalphiter the way he will treat his clients.
laughed so hard at this reference, oh my god  :cookieMonster:
Kalphiter isn't paying me, he'd get nothing but the best treatment if he was!

So yeah. Rub and Ephi, you are pathetic.

i read through the quotes and it definitely seems like lub knows what he's talking about!

i'm gonna go with him, thanks op!!

Wow we definitely needed another topic on this. I mean really theres already a topic about Lub on the first page, why not just post in there? Also he gangs up with Lub for the hot love, not because of his service. Their arguing is easy to ignore and has nothing to do with you so I dont see why youre getting so riled up about it.

The real one whos pathetic is the guy getting upset over internet arguments that dont even involve him. We need less wannabe internet detectives.

Wow we definitely needed another topic on this. I mean really theres already a topic about Lub on the first page, why not just post in there? Also he gangs up with Lub for the hot love, not because of his service. Their arguing is easy to ignore and has nothing to do with you so I dont see why youre getting so riled up about it.

The real one whos pathetic is the guy getting upset over internet arguments that dont even involve him. We need less wannabe internet detectives.
Dismissive. You're missing the point.

pacnet definitely has the best service

Dismissive. You're missing the point.
You can just shot dismissive and suddenly my post is dismissive.

You can just shot dismissive and suddenly my post is dismissive.

Dismissive. You're missing the point.
It wasn't dismissive at all. It's all correct.

It was pretty easy to tell what he said. Get over yourself.

I meant shout. You cant just say my post is dismissive and it suddenly is. There was nothing dismissive about my post, and there was no point to be understood in the OP. You just bitched and ranted about how you dont like how they are arguing with Kalphiter - a point I addressed in my first post.

It wasn't dismissive at all. It's all correct.
It was pretty easy to tell what he said. Get over yourself.
But seriously, why is Lub and Ephi bothering Kalphiter?

You're not taking your job seriously.

Every time he's posted in kalphiter's thread, this is the first thing anyone says. So because he's moderator, he's not allowed to be mean to anyone?

That's lame.

Every time he's posted in kalphiter's thread, this is the first thing anyone says. So because he's moderator, he's not allowed to be mean to anyone?

That's lame.
No, what I'm saying is he calls everyone autistic.

Every time he's posted in kalphiter's thread, this is the first thing anyone says. So because he's moderator, he's not allowed to be mean to anyone?

That's lame.
This. Until the point where he starts banning people for personal dislikes or doesnt ban blatant rule breakers, hes doing his job perfectly.

But seriously, why is Lub and Ephi bothering Kalphiter?
Because people who think they know it all when they really don't are dangerous.

This. Until the point where he starts banning people for personal dislikes or doesnt ban blatant rule breakers, hes doing his job perfectly.
But then why is he ganging up with Lub to stuff on Kalphiter.

Kalphiter has done all this hard work with his service, yet those two are disrespecting him.