Author Topic: Beachbum111111 -- All homeschooled people are social outcasts!  (Read 11513 times)

Again. You are learning those things in public schools as well. And you don't need great social skills. You just need to not be a social handicap.

Learning subjects in school is half of what you are supposed to learn. Socializing with the other students is the other half. A lot of jobs out there require you to be social

I know some are in the OP but you didn't get what I meant. Being with other kids help you socialize because you are going to be with a lot of people in real life. And home schooling only teaches you the work. Were as public school teaches you both work and socializing. Now your home schooling might be different but when I was home schooled I wasn't around a lot of kids and it was boring as hell. I can only judge home schooling from what I and my friends have experienced and when one of my friends was home schooled she was rude and hated to socialize. When she got back into high school she was nicer, more social, and just more happy. I know you get more time to learn when home schooled (My friend was a grade ahead of what the norm is). But Social skills are also very important. you use them in every day life. I know you said you were in a youth group but that is different. You don't get to take the good with the bad normally and don't get to socialize with different types of people or get the time to.

Just because you are homeschool does not mean that you can't make friends. It just means that you wont be exposed to %95 of the starfishs that makes up most public schools.

I know some are in the OP but you didn't get what I meant. Being with other kids help you socialize because you are going to be with a lot of people in real life. And home schooling only teaches you the work. Were as public school teaches you both work and socializing. Now your home schooling might be different but when I was home schooled I wasn't around a lot of kids and it was boring as hell. I can only judge home schooling from what I and my friends have experienced and when one of my friends was home schooled she was rude and hated to socialize. When she got back into high school she was nicer, more social, and just more happy. I know you get more time to learn when home schooled (My friend was a grade ahead of what the norm is). But Social skills are also very important. you use them in every day life. I know you said you were in a youth group but that is different. You don't get to take the good with the bad normally and don't get to socialize with different types of people or get the time to.

Ugh, you need to get through your thick head that being homeschooled =/= being antisocial and a social outcast.

Ugh, you need to get through your thick head that being homeschooled =/= being antisocial and a social outcast.

I just said it doesn't mean that you are anti-social. I said that public school helps teach you to be social.

Just because you are homeschool does not mean that you can't make friends. It just means that you wont be exposed to %95 of the starfishs that makes up most public schools.

You learn to cooperate with them or deal with them. Because there are just as many starfishs in the real world

I just said it doesn't mean that you are anti-social. I said that public school helps teach you to be social.

You have no argument left if you remove the part about homeschooling making you socially handicapped or socially impaired which you just did. I don't see why you think that homeschooling is any worse than public school because it's not.

You have no argument left if you remove the part about homeschooling making you socially handicapped or socially impaired which you just did. I don't see why you think that homeschooling is any worse than public school because it's not.

It happens to most home schooled people

It happens to most home schooled people
Because people assume without checking for themselves.

It happens to most home schooled people

Cite your sources. This is your word, a public schooled child, vs. mine, a homeschooled child.

Not everyone can choose between being homeschooled or going to regular school, Some have to stay at home because of health problems or limitations.

Cite your sources. This is your word, a public schooled child, vs. mine, a homeschooled child.

Me and a couple of my friends were home schooled and hated it. We like public school far better

Me and a couple of my friends were home schooled and hated it. We like public school far better

Your focus group is too small

Not everyone can choose between being homeschooled or going to regular school, Some have to stay at home because of health problems or limitations.

I know. My sister was home schooled because of health problems

Why won't 'bum just drop it already. There's no need to draw this one out any further.

I might if darkness stops posting