Author Topic: ViperTheSniper Brain Damaged DEFENCE!  (Read 1825 times)

In the post about how I was called brain damaged is completely wrong! I understand how someone can be angry (I'm not going to name any names) but I truly meant no harm I just found his blabbering quite annoying and irrational... This is more of how the real story goes, (if your gonna post something at least post what both parties did wrong, and I am admitting that I should not of said a few things I did)
Well the argument started over the definition of spam (yea yea stupid huh) and if it causes lag or not, in personal experience I think spam does cause lag but just in case you don't agree here is the dictionary definition: Doing something to cause LAG or to crash a server. The other argument is about the thing I said about gays, its something that just really grossed me out the thought of a man wanting to make out with another man is just plain gross in my opinion but an opinion is an opinion we are all allowed to have one. The other thing which was blown WAY out of proportion was a comment I read about people twisting what I said to make it seem like I said it was OK to make out with your sister. This is a complete LIE what I said which I was hoping that everyone could of used common sense to figure it out was that you are related to your sister, brother, mom or dad a simple kiss on the cheek is OK my gosh but if you went a made out with your sister, brother, ect it would be a little creepy...
What do you guys think? Am I completely wrong? Right? Or a little bit of both?

This isnt your personal blog, journal board, or problem board. That is why there is a Drama Board. Please post there instead.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2012, 08:55:45 AM by Tertahedron »


How about a little bit of both?

Also I don't think it goes in the GD


I honestly thought "Brain damaged sniper defence" was a game mode you posted about right now, and it actually sounds like fun.

I honestly thought "Brain damaged sniper defence" was a game mode you posted about right now, and it actually sounds like fun.

That's what I was hoping for also :c

I thought it was a server too. lol

I was expecting it to be what it turned out to be but hoping that it wouldn't turn out to be what it did

All I was was

>wired title

>alien language

>anti-gay"GROS!!1" stuff

>[no comment] definition of spam. Did he say from the dictionary? I doubt that is true.

>unanswerable question

Well would ya' look at that, a counter-drama!

Well would ya' look at that, a counter-drama!
And considering he made it in general discussion, Im guessing hes craving attention.

And considering he made it in general discussion, Im guessing hes craving attention.

I forgot how to post pictures on a forum. :c