Author Topic: ►►►The Daily Life of Badspot  (Read 27302 times)

4:00 AM
After several days of wondering wtf ye flask is, badspot goes to have some waffles.

HEY you went against a rule! No more than one day can pass!


5:00 AM

Badspot finally gets sick of waffles. He walks outside to get the paper. He is encountered by yet ANOTHER ladyman. "This better not be a mirror again..." he says, and pulls a hammer out of his inventory. He smacks it with the hammer to check, and the ladyman falls to the ground, bleeding from her/his skull.

7:00 AM
Badspot reaches the river, Blocko, with the case. He places the case in the unstable water and watches it drift away towards the sunset. He turns to his left and notices something in the bushes...


7:02 AM

Badspot reaches for his shotgun, and blows the waffle to bits. "Man, I'm SO TIRED of these waffles..." he says.

Suddenly, Badspot realizes that he just put the dead body in the computer casing that held the Blockland master server!

7:03 AM

Badspot's short attention span causes him to leave the corpse and run down to Wal Mart.

7:33 AM
Badspot took 30mins in the Wal Mart. When he comes back the cops are in his room inspecting the corpse =O .

7:34 AM

Badspot walks outside and falls asleep on the lawn.


Badspot has a wet dream

9:00 PM Badspot awakens

9:01 PM

A giant asteroid, 100 miles in diameter approaches earth. If it hits it will release the equivalent energy of 3 billion gigatonnes of TNT simultaneously detonating.

Waffles, Blockland and "shoop da whoop" will surely perish if no action is taken....what will we do?

9:30 PM

BadSpot calls his evil twin brother, GoodSpot, and together fly at the astroid as NeutralSpot (in Blockland, NeutralSpot does not have this power). On impact, it seems NeutralSpot is killed. But then BadSpot and GoodSpot suddenly split out of NeutralSpot. The astroid smacks into NeutralSpot who had enough momentum to knock over a series of 15 buildings like dominoes, thus the astroid is repelled into Mars. Then Good and BadSpot fall to earth, and land in a cushiony pile of waffles, thus not dying.

But BadSpot is still sick of waffles...

10:00 AM
Badspot is still sleeping when Goodspot gets up. Goodspot gets a knife out and is about to attack Badspot!
*Dun dun duuuuuun*

10:01 AM Then he realizes the knife is plastic, cries, and dies from a heart attack. Then a robot sneaks out from the shadows, it is Robospot, Badspot's fifth cousin's lost sister's brother's nephew's evil invention!

11:59 AM Badspot comes back as a zombie and starts going around on the street and banning everybody from the BL forums.