Author Topic: Minecraft: TerraFirmaCraft - Survival mode as it should've been.  (Read 10844 times)

As some of you already know, Minecraft is an indie game that's been extremely popular, but there's always been something missing for the hardcore gamers who play it. More challenge! TerraFirmaCraft adds just that, making sure you have a rough experience before you even get your first ingot! This mod introduces a variety of new features to make the game more realistic, such as; lumberjacking: trees no longer hover in the air! Metalworking: No more smushing ingots together to make a pickaxe! You must create plans and forge the head from an ingot on your very own anvil! Deadly cave-ins: Be careful! You need to put up mine supports before digging willy-nilly for ore veins!

But wait, there's more!

There's also a website and a wiki, both made by the creator of the mod. Links: -You can find the changelog and other helpful stuff here.

The TerraFirmaCraft Wiki -You will be visiting this site often. Like every minute or so.

Videos for your face to watch: - Slightly outdated, you cannot make picks out of stone any more. - The most current video series I could find. (Only 5 episodes, though.)

Servers: - M/Clockturn's server. - ?/DoctorDoodler's server. - Jacob 123456789/Jacobian123's server.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2012, 09:07:16 PM by Jacob 123456789 »


I am a big fan of this mod,

surprisingly this took me about 4 minutes to whip up off the top of my head

yay boredom

I never could make charcoal at all, despite being surrounded by thick ass trees

I agree with this having its own thread

Tekkit also

I was gonna start it later once I got my server set up but eh w/e

I never could make charcoal at all, despite being surrounded by thick ass trees
Apparently charcoal can be made in a pit up to 25 blocks wide and 13 high now (as of 47e or c? It says on the wiki page)

Imagine trying to get that going without being set on fire

Also, something nobody seems to do: It's called a charcoal pit, dig a hole and fill it instead of covering a stack
« Last Edit: October 02, 2012, 06:10:00 AM by M »

Sound very interesting.


None at the moment, but you can request to have them placed here by, well, asking!
It would be nice if you list some servers
« Last Edit: October 02, 2012, 07:15:09 AM by Mr. Blockhouse »

Sound very interesting.
It would be nice if you list some servers
It would be nice if you suggested some.

That background looks like the intro to a yogscast video.

It would be nice if you suggested some.
Oh right       <- Hardcore/PvP

started playing yesterday
love it.

i've got a pretty house, i'll post pics sometime
16 slots - PvP enabled, no op but don't be too much of a douche~
NOTE: This will run what I feel like when I feel like
Bug me on Steam if you want it running a thing that it's not. As of this edit it's running Tekkit creative because I want to mess about with stuff.

TFC is using a bit more RAM than I expected though, might need to upgrade by another 256mb-512mb if people are all playing at once

Yes it's mine you doof(s) go nuts
« Last Edit: October 02, 2012, 10:59:52 AM by M »

Wow. Seriously this is what I always wished Minecraft had been instead of what it turned into.
16 slots - PvP enabled, no op but don't be too much of a douche~
NOTE: This will run what I feel like when I feel like
Bug me on Steam if you want it running a thing that it's not. As of this edit it's running Tekkit creative because I want to mess about with stuff.

TFC is using a bit more RAM than I expected though, might need to upgrade by another 256mb-512mb if people are all playing at once

Yes it's mine you doof(s) go nuts
make a topic and go back to terrafirmacraft.

This is what MC needs to be.
Minecraft is supposed to be simple, but this makes the game what it should have been.

I never could make charcoal at all, despite being surrounded by thick ass trees
You need to make a charcoal pile. Basically a firepit surrounded by tons of wood piles. Here's a picture of what it should look like:

(Image taken from the Wiki)

After you have that built, cover it in dirt and let sit for 18 ingame hours. (Make sure to have the firepit in the middle)

Oh, and make sure the wood piles are completely full, or else you won't get as much charcoal.